Help make Momma's Law permanent - take 5 minutes to send an email or choose to testify
/The recent legislation passed by the DC Council to strengthen the animal cruelty laws in DC is only good for 90 days. It's up to the Council to make it permanent, and it's up to you to help make it happen. Send a Councilmember an email, testify in front of the Council and keep pushing DC government.
Want to take five minutes and help make Momma's Law permanent? Here's a message from one of the Petworth neighbors supporting the legislation..
You can send an email or testify in front of the DC Council.
To testify at the hearing on Monday, March 21st and show your support for Bill 22-64, the “Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017," contact Cherita Whiting, Committee Assistant at (202) 727-7774 or Provide your name, organizational affiliation (if any), and title with the organization by 11:00 am on Friday, March 17, 2017. Note that hearing witnesses should bring 15 copies of their written testimony to the hearing. The Committee allows individuals 3 minutes to provide oral testimony. Speakers representing an organization are allotted 5 minutes to provide oral testimony.
Can't attend but want your statement part of the official record? Additional written statements are encouraged and will be made part of the official record. Written statements may be submitted by email to or snail-mailed to: Council of the District of Columbia, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 113, Washington DC 20004.
Princess, spring 2016 - you can help make this type of situation illegal.
Or just send an email.
Take 5 minutes to copy (and change as you wish) the draft statement of support below and email to by 11am on Friday. You don't need to be a DC resident, just a concerned citizen showing your support!
Dear Councilmember Gray,
I am writing to express my strong support for the passage of the Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017. As this legislation is still being developed in consultation with the District Department of Health and the Humane Rescue Alliance, I urge you to ensure that it includes:
1. Protection for dogs from extreme weather, both hot and cold.
2. A prohibition on leaving companion animals in hot cars where they are vulnerable to heat stroke and death.
a. Immunity for Good Samaritans who free animals trapped in hot cars.
3. The authority for our Humane Law Enforcement and Animal Control Officers to issue citations to those who break our animal welfare laws.
4. Adequate resources and funding for the Department of Health, the Humane Rescue Alliance, Animal Care and Control, and Humane Law Enforcement to ensure that the animals in the District are protected from abuse and neglect.
The District of Columbia is a strong advocate for all its residents, particularly those who can't defend or speak for themselves, and this Act will help ensure our pets are not left behind in protecting those most in need.
Please share with your friends, family, etc. Sending one email should take all of 5 minutes and will mean so much to DC's dogs!
Dogs like Pearl will thank you for your support!
As always:
- Please be sure to Like/follow MommasLawDC on Facebook.
- Share the news with your network and help keep momentum for permanent legislation. Tag @MommasLawDC and use #MommasLaw on social media.
- Call a DC Council member and the Humane Rescue Alliance to support permanent legislation.
- Sign the petition -- it's been signed by people as far away as the UAE!