Here's how to help change DC animal welfare laws (it needs your support)
The welfare of Momma, a pit bull that had been left outdoors in terrible winter conditions inspired people across the country to push DC to help. I received emails from Oregon, North Carolina, New Hampshire... and of course, from residents all over the District.
DC Councilmember Mary Cheh has asked that residents reach out to her and other councilmembers to push for changes to DC's animal welfare laws. Change needs you to help make it happen.
Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd plans to introduce legislation in the DC Council. Contact him and the rest of the council and share your support!
Tomorrow, at the first Legislative Meeting of Council Period 22, I will introduce the Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017.
— Brandon T. Todd (@CMBrandonTodd) January 9, 2017
Here's how you can help:
- Sign this petition to urge the DC Council to strengthen Animal Cruelty Laws.
- Follow Momma's Law, a new Facebook page that is tracking animal welfare law in DC.
- Contact your DC Councilmember (find them online)
- Contact Councilmember Brandon Todd and tell him you support his legislation to protect animal welfare.
- Contact Councilmember Mary Cheh directly and share your thoughts on animal welfare
- Contact the DC Mayor's office (202-727-2643 or email)
- Contact the Humane Rescue Alliance... let them know you support them. They do great work, but we should push the DC Council to give them better funding and resources to hire more officers and help to resolve issues like Momma and Princess without needing the court of public opinion to try everyone involved.
The CEO of Humane Rescue Alliance posted the following on Facebook:
Lisa LaFontaine
Hello everyone - for those who don't know me I'm the CEO of HRA and I can tell you unequivocally that we are NOT satisfied with the definition of proper shelter. We want stronger laws for animals in the District - around proper shelter, and in a host of other ways as well. I hope we can count on all of you to help. Momma may be inside tonight but other animals are not and we need all of your brains and hearts working with us to ensure DC has the best possible laws for animals that we can collectively envision. Our team is absolutely amazing - they are out there in this weather and worse protecting animals and they have a huge degree of compassion. Believe me, no one hates this more than we do, and shame on anyone who thinks they don't care. They pour their hearts out but they have to work within the laws we have. So let's change them, and make it better. Stay tuned and stay with us as we get ready to advocate for new and improved animal laws. We will need every ounce of your support and energy.
In an email to residents on Monday evening, Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd wrote:
Today, after working with the Humane Rescue Alliance, the Department of Health, and the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services, I can confirm that Momma has been taken inside and will not spend tonight out in the cold.
Tomorrow, at the first Legislative Meeting of Council Period 22, I will introduce the Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Act of 2017. This legislation will address the regulatory gaps that allowed for Momma’s sad story to occur and prevent future abuse of any dog in the District of Columbia.
I take animal welfare extremely seriously. It is our Government’s responsibility to look out for and protect our friends who cannot protect themselves. I appreciate the engagement and compassion of the Ward 4 community. The outpouring of concern for Momma and other animals that needlessly suffer is truly heartwarming. I will continue to work with advocates, residents, and other stakeholders to ensure that our laws provide the protections our animals need.