Know a 18-24 year old who wants to own their own business? Time's running out to get onboard with Community Carrot
/Volunteers, including Ambassador from the Republic of Kosovo Vlora Çitaku, prepare DC Community Carrot offices. (photo: David Sheon)
David Sheon is an entrepreneur, an activist and an ANC commissioner, and that's the least of what he does. His latest endeavor is a non-profit to work with DC youth who want to do something with their lives that's under their control. David's non-profit is called DC Community Carrot, and it is designed to help youth 18-24 learn to become entrepreneurs. Here's an update from David:
I want to offer a quick update for DC Community Carrot - the community-driven non-profit that offers Opportunity Youth, ages 18 to 24, training to start businesses of their own - and pays them while they learn. Sign up deadline is March 24!
We have five slots left for DC young adults, ages 18 to 24, who want to be paid while they learn how to start and run their own businesses. Applicants must not be currently enrolled in school (this is required by the federal grant that DC is administering). The program is 20 hours per week, through September 31. At the end of the program participants will have a business license, a plan, and knowledge for how to compete successfully.
Know anyone who may be interested? Have them TEXT me at 202 422-6999 to get started. No phone calls please.
Also - circle the calendar for Saturday, March 25 at 2pm so that you can join us for our ribbon cutting ceremony! We're at 508 Kennedy Street NW, Suite 209. All are welcome!