The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is looking for your input

A proposed map of the new ANCs and their SMDs

by Cesse Ip

For the past month and a half, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force has been working to remap the boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and the Single Member Districts (SMDs) they contain in Ward 4. According to the 2020 Census, over 8,000 people have moved into Ward 4 , so the SMD boundaries must be redrawn to comply with the 2,000 people per SMD requirement.

The Task Force has heard from some members of the community, and has had lively discussions amongst themselves, but they need more community input to better serve Ward 4 constituents and residents.

Four maps were released to the public this week, and there are several areas in Ward 4 that may be significantly affected. Many of these areas are Petworth or Petworth-adjacent.

If you have opinions, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force wants to hear from you! There are many ways that your voice can be heard.

  1. Consider testifying at the March 8th hearing

  2. Email your thoughts to

  3. Leave a voicemail at 202-642-5714

  4. Interact with them on social media: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

 Here are some of the issues that the Task Force must decide on:

Map of new proposed ANC 4E

Should a new ANC4E be introduced to Ward 4? Common complaints about 4C meetings are that it is often overrun by Petworth issues, when the 16th Street Heights neighborhood is vibrant on its own. The new 4E would incorporate Crestwood, currently part of 4A.

Map of the 13th Street and Georgia Ave area south of Missouri Avenue

Should Georgia or 13th Street be a dividing line south of Missouri Avenue between ANCs? On one hand, having Georgia Avenue not divided among ANCs would be useful to have “ownership” over issues around that corridor like the annual Open Street initiative, or dealing with liquor license hearings. On the other hand, Georgia Avenue, a large four-lane corridor, is a large physical barrier. Should that exist within SMDs?

Proposed map of Single Member District 4B05

Currently 4B is mostly north of Missouri Avenue and east of Georgia Avenue. However, 4B05 is bisected by Missouri Avenue, and there is a small corner south of Missouri Avenue and north of Longfellow Street that resides in 4B. Do residents in this corner want to remain in 4B, as historically it has been? Or, do residents feel more connected to Kennedy Street and other Brightwood Park issues? Does the large, 4-lane Missouri Avenue barrier break up the SMD into discrete parts? Only the residents can share that perspective!

Proposed map of 4D09

Similarly, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is considering redistricting the Manor Park area, to be part of ANC4D. Does residents in this area think it makes more sense to remain in 4B or 4D?

There are a small number of blocks north of Missouri Avenue around 13th Street that house many multi-family units. A large number of residents live in these small blocks, which makes for less flexibility in mapping. Should these residents be part of an ANC south or north of Missouri Avenue? Should a SMD straddle Missouri Avenue, similar to 4B05?

Map of 13th and 14th Streets at Missouri Avenue

These boundaries are important for neighborhoods to have representation within their ANCs and have someone at the SMD level help advocate for their neighborhood.

If (when?) DC Statehood becomes a reality for DC, these boundaries will likely serve as voting tracks for State representation. It is prudent of everyone to look at the remapping proposals, as it will affect you as a resident and a voter.

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Cesse Ip

Cesse Ip moved to DC in 2008, and in 2014 she and her husband decided to make Petworth their home. Petworth is where she found her best friends, her kids’ friends and her “people.” When she’s not working for the Department of Defense or chasing around her two small sons, she enjoys cooking, eating (especially when someone else is doing the cooking), reading and playing Settlers of Catan. A true nerd with two degrees in mathematics, writing came late to her, but she is looking forward to answering your questions about our community!

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