Councilmember's Corner: Reimagining the Future of Georgia Avenue

Councilmember's Corner: Reimagining the Future of Georgia Avenue

Georgia Ave has had its share of recent challenges. We’ve seen the pandemic take its toll on local businesses, neighbors struggle to afford the cost of rent, and buildings left vacant and blighted. Our public gathering spaces need to be more welcoming and accessible, and too often, lack of public transportation options prevent opportunities that exist here from reaching the people who need them most. 

That’s why I’m excited to announce a new initiative to lead on this critical work: Reimagining Georgia Avenue.

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Councilmember's Corner: DC programs we should all know (Copy)

Councilmember's Corner: DC programs we should all know (Copy)

My team and I wanted to highlight some great DC programs that are already in place but go underutilized because not enough people know about them. This CM Corner article offers a ton of DC programs and services, with a brief description and link to more information. I hope it is a useful resource for you and your families as we begin spring in DC!

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Councilmember's Corner: What a new Northern Bus Barn with all electric buses means for Ward 4

Councilmember's Corner: What a new Northern Bus Barn with all electric buses means for Ward 4

For many years now, our community has been steadily advocating for the facility to reopen without the harmful fumes of diesel buses. As recently as 2021, WMATA had committed that Northern Bus Barn would become its first all-electric bus garage with "infrastructure and equipment needed to run 100% electric vehicles."

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Councilmember Janeese Lewis George asks for a cease of gunfire

Councilmember Janeese Lewis George asks for a cease of gunfire

On Friday, January 13th, Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George called a press conference to address the high level of gun violence that Ward 4 has seen since the beginning of the year. The press conference was at the corner of Georgia and Kennedy, a corridor that is no stranger to gun violence.

Councilmember Lewis George brought together members of the community with her to the press conference to share a common message:

“Put the guns down.”

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Councilmember's Corner: So many Halloween weekend festivities in Ward 4!

Councilmember's Corner: So many Halloween weekend festivities in Ward 4!

As we gear up to celebrate Halloween, I wanted to share some of the many amazing Halloween events happening across our community. Chances are that you won't have to go far from home to get your frights and treats this weekend.

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Councilmember's Corner: Why I support the Dance Loft affordable housing project

Councilmember's Corner: Why I support the Dance Loft affordable housing project

Today, DC faces a staggering affordable housing crisis. The workers who serve this city are priced out of living in most of our neighborhoods, and homeownership is a distant dream for many lifelong DC residents. The skyrocketing cost of living here is fueling our homelessness crisis, eviction crisis, foreclosure crisis, and displacement crisis.

The core DC value of being a welcoming city is undermined by housing prices that systematically push people out and keep people out.

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The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is looking for your input

The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is looking for your input

For the past month and a half, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force has been working to remap the boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and the Single Member Districts (SMDs) they contain in Ward 4. According to the 2020 Census, over 8,000 people have moved into Ward 4 , so the SMD boundaries must be redrawn to comply with the 2,000 people per SMD requirement. They really want your input.

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Where to celebrate Halloween in Ward 4! Councilmember’s Corner

Where to celebrate Halloween in Ward 4! Councilmember’s Corner

No one goes all in on Halloween quite like Ward 4! I'm excited to see our community joyfully and safely celebrating this weekend, and for our youngest Ward 4 residents to stock up on delicious treats. Look out for me around Ward 4 in a very topical Halloween costume!

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Councilmember’s Corner: Responding to gun violence in our communities

Councilmember’s Corner: Responding to gun violence in our communities

Our communities are reeling from the devastating gun violence that our city is experiencing. From the shootings by Nationals Park and 14th Street to the tragic killing of 6-year-old Nyiah Courtney in Southeast DC and the public safety incidents in our own neighborhoods, it’s clear that DC and Ward 4 have not been spared from the nationwide surge of gun violence. These crimes are senseless and catastrophic.

We cannot afford for this situation to continue and for more lives to be claimed by gunfire.

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Councilmember’s Corner: Hope through the vaccine 

Councilmember’s Corner: Hope through the vaccine 

Yesterday I stepped forward to be vaccinated because I believe it’s important for me as a Black woman and as a community leader to persuade my Ward 4 neighbors to do the same through the power of my example. I also took this step so I can better serve our community. My role requires me to respond in person to emergencies, visit local businesses, and interact with constituents on a daily basis. Although I take every precaution possible by social distancing and wearing a mask, being immunized will add an extra layer of protection for all the people I encounter as your Councilmember.

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Councilmember Janeese Lewis George commits to a “people first” agenda in Ward 4

Councilmember Janeese Lewis George commits to a “people first” agenda in Ward 4

Like many of us, newly elected Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George is shaped by her environment. Her visions, aspirations and policies are a product of Ward 4, the community she grew up in. And as of January 2nd, she’s now representing her community on the DC Council, sharing Ward 4’s and Petworth’s ideals and aspirations with the rest of the city. Here’s our first interview with Janeese as the Ward 4 Councilmember.

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Get to know Janeese Lewis George, candidate for Ward 4 Council

Get to know Janeese Lewis George, candidate for Ward 4 Council

“I’d be the only DC Councilmember with a professional public safety background and the only candidate running who has professional expertise in both public safety and education, two issues Petworth voters often tell me are most important to them,” said George.

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