Update: Piney Branch Parkway Rehab starts next week
/The yellow highlight is the section being resurfaced on May 29th.
Who thought that a roadway resurfacing could be so exciting? (I'm totally so excited.)
Piney Branch Parkway, which runs from Arkansas Avenue NW down to Beach Drive, is terrible. The roadway doesn't have potholes, it has some random flat and smooth spots surrounded by gouges, bumps, crevices and canyons.
Finally, the DC Department of Transportation has the approval of the National Park Service to finally resurface the road, and it all starts on May 29th at 9am, and should be done by June 8th.
From the NPS:
From May 29th until approximately June 8th, Piney Branch Parkway will close from 9 am until 3:30 pm on weekdays for resurfacing work. No through traffic will be allowed on the road at that time.
We are planning for the daytime closure to extend from Arkansas Avenue to Beach Drive except for local traffic (residents leaving Mt. Pleasant may use 17th Street). Drivers should obey closure signs and exercise caution if they drive near workers.
That's slightly under two weeks of road closure -- certainly, we can all agree that's totally worth it to get a road that doesn't jar the inner ear every time you drive on it.
You can keep up with construction notification by visiting the Rock Creek Parkway Rehab page on the NPS website, or signing up for text alerts from NPS by texting "BEACHDRIVE" to 888777 (this service is free, but standard text/data rates may apply).