Piney Branch Parkway to get repaved, pleasing car struts and driver backs
/Satellite image of Piney Branch Parkway... you can't see the terror that is the roadway surface. (Google maps)
Piney Branch Parkway, the inlet from Petworth onto the Rock Creek Parkway and destinations north and south, is made up of about three feet of flat road surface... and about a mile of holes, gouges, pits, cracks and bumps that drivers either swerve around or sacrifice their cars' struts to the terrible road. It's not a pleasant ride.
Good news! According to Josh Fleitman, the Communication Director for Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd, that stretch of road is finally being repaved. He sent an email this afternoon:
"I have some exciting news to share. Councilmember Todd has heard (and shares) your concerns about the state of Piney Branch Parkway. After engaging in talks with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the National Park Service (NPS), Councilmember Todd is announcing that DDOT will fully repave Piney Branch Pkwy from Arkansas Avenue to Beach Drive within the next few weeks. That’s all the information I have to share with you at this time. I’ll let you know if I learn more."
Expect delays and other issues while the work is done... but I think the pain of repavement is much less than the pain of driving on that road.