Massive MPD response on Decatur Street Friday night

Photo provided by eyewitness on Decatur St NW

Friday night saw more than 20 emergency response (FD, EMS and MPD) vehicles surrounding a house on the 500 block of Decatur Street NW. Here's what happened.

MPD received a call at 7:45pm for a “disorderly” on the 500 block of Decatur Street NW. Once officers arrived, they found a person unconscious and breathing. Officers then requested EMS come to help. When EMS arrived the person woke up, and the EMS crew prepared to take him to the hospital for medical treatment (they determined he was under the influence of an unknown substance).

At that point, MPD officers left to complete a report on what appeared to be a routine EMS incident. But apparently, not so much.

MPD received another call at 8:28pm to come back to the house on Decatur to assist the EMS crew. That’s when the person turned violent.

From what I understand, the suspect, who was then in the ambulance, wanted to go back into his house to get a jacket. He tried to jump out of the ambulance while he was being treated and became enraged and attacked the EMS crew, allegedly kicking one of the EMS workers in the leg.

To keep themselves safe, the EMS crew attempted to keep the suspect out of the ambulance. The suspect then began reaching into his pants and yelling “I’m gonna shoot your mother f**ing ass!” Then he began hitting the EMS workers with his fists. 

MPD arrived en masse and placed the suspect under arrest for assault on a DCFEMS employee and Felony threats. Eyewitnesses report that the suspect was then, finally, taken to the hospital by ambulance, strapped down to a gurney. The EMS crew received minor injuries and are reportedly ok. 

Remember, don’t attack the ambulance crew. Also, don’t do PCP.

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Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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