Help clean up Grant Circle on MLK, Jr Day
/Volunteer, and you can get one of these nifty hats.
Traditionally , one or more days around the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day is marked by a day of service with the area National Park Service. This year, the days of service are Saturday, January 16th and Monday the 18th.
Local neighbor Carol Herwig is helping to mark the day in Petworth with a weed and prune cleanup at Grant Circle on Monday, January 18, at 10 am. There is plenty of shrub pruning to be done, as well as ivy removal. Figure the work will take about 2 hours -- and your help is needed!
The National Park Service has provided safety vests and there will be a cap giveaway. Trash bags will be provided, but volunteers will need to bring their own gloves and pruners or clippers (for ivy).
If you are unable to work on Monday, but still are interested in volunteering, the Rock Creek Conservancy is doing invasive ivy removal on Saturday at Piney Branch.
Want to volunteer or have questions? Please contact Carol Herwig.