Grant Circle gets another safety redesign proposal (for 2025)

Grant Circle gets another safety redesign proposal (for 2025)

On Wednesday, November 8th, DC’s Department of Transportation presented a proposal to the community to make Grant Circle pedestrian and bicycle safety more prominent, while attempting to keep the flow of vehicular traffic moving in a safe manner.

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Check out the Main Stage lineup for Celebrate Petworth, happening Nov 18!

Check out the Main Stage lineup for Celebrate Petworth, happening Nov 18!

This year’s Main Stage (sponsored by Washington Gas) is outstanding. The stage is set up at the intersection of 9th and Upshur Street, with music starting at 11am and going all day to 5pm on November 18th.

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Celebrate Petworth is Saturday, November 18th! Volunteer to help out!

Celebrate Petworth is Saturday, November 18th! Volunteer to help out!

 After getting rained out in September, the volunteers and organizers of Celebrate Petworth are excited to be able to put on the annual neighborhood event on Saturday, November 18th from 11am to 5pm on the 800 block of Upshur Street NW. Here’s how to volunteer to help!

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DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

After more than a decade, Upshur Park, located at 4300 Arkansas Ave NW, is scheduled for a $19 million renovation.

You can submit your thoughts on what to prioritize in the renovation via an online survey — the deadline to submit your input is November 19th.

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Enjoy a spooky Halloween theatrical show — Spirits: A Hat Trick (& we're giving away tickets)

Enjoy a spooky Halloween theatrical show — Spirits: A Hat Trick (& we're giving away tickets)

After the success of last year’s show, local neighbor Maryanne Henderson is putting on another spooky Halloween-ish theater show here in Petworth. This year the theme is “Spirits: A Hat Trick” and their spooky variety show takes place Saturday, November 4th from 7-9pm.

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La Coop coffee shop relocating to Kennedy Street

La Coop coffee shop relocating to Kennedy Street

Juan Luis Salazar had been looking for a new place to house La Coop, his three-year old coffee shop and roastery, ever since troubles with his landlord meant he had an end date to his lease at 5505 1st Street NW. He looked at places all over the city, even entertained offers from big retailers downtown, but nothing felt right to the businessowner who wanted to remain in a neighborhood he says has supported him so much over the last three years. 

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Sandovan's on Georgia Avenue to close

Sandovan's on Georgia Avenue to close

Sandovan’s Restaurant and Lounge has been an unwavering presence at 4809 Georgia Avenue NW for the past decade, serving as a cherished oasis in the Petworth community. However, the end of an era is on the horizon as the doors of this beloved establishment are set to close at the end of the month. The reasons behind this decision are multifaceted.

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Art All Night kicks off on Friday in Brightwood & Petworth!

Art All Night kicks off on Friday in Brightwood & Petworth!

On Friday, September 29th from 4:30pm to 1am, join your neighbors for Art All Night, a free citywide arts festival. Over 50 restaurants, businesses and community partners will host a jam-packed schedule of music, dance, visual arts, open studios, open houses, hands-on art making and more on 14th & Kennedy corridor and the Upshur Street corridor.

Art All Night is free and open to the public. Attendees can pick up a map at the information tables on Upshur Street and 14th Street to explore festival nodes and venues.

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Free family movie nights at Lincoln's Cottage

Free family movie nights at Lincoln's Cottage

Get ready to bring your picnic and spread your blankets at Lincoln’s Cottage for our Fall Family Film Series. There will be STEAM Activities, Family Crafts, DJ Music, Food Vendors, and a screening of The Lego Movie on Friday, October 6.

On Friday, November 3, they'll screen Lightyear.

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Ack! Celebrate Petworth Festival canceled due to really bad storms

Ack! Celebrate Petworth Festival canceled due to really bad storms

You know… sometimes it happens. Celebrate Petworth is canceled for this year.

It rained on the very first Celebrate Petworth Festival, but it was a gentle rain. Tomorrow, September 23rd, is supposed to be really high winds (up to 45mph) and upwards of 2-3 inches of rain throughout the day. For safety’s sake, the organizers have decided to cancel the Festival.

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Check out some "Neighborgoods" in the neighborhood 

Check out some "Neighborgoods" in the neighborhood 

The studio, located at 4300 Georgia Ave NW, typically serves as a staging and production site for owner Jodi Kostelnik’s lines of dish towels, tote bags, greeting cards and other gifts and knicknacks, which she sells online and at several area farmers markets.

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Join your neighbors for pre-festival family fun the morning of Celebrate Petworth!

Join your neighbors for pre-festival family fun the morning of Celebrate Petworth!

This year, we're excited to bring three fun pre-festival activities! Join your neighbors on Saturday, September 23, before the festival begins, for a Kids Fun Run, Stroller Strides and Yoga for Movers & Shakers. All of these great activities are free.

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Home is where the beats are: HR Records

Home is where the beats are: HR Records

“Kennedy Street is the center of the city,” Charvis says proudly, tugging at his black tee that dons the HR Records logo. “When we got into [the 700 block of Kennedy Street] there was just Anxo, and Soup Up was just opening.”

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So what happened to Petworth Social Bar & Grill anyway?

So what happened to Petworth Social Bar & Grill anyway?

Petworth Social Bar and Grill opened in December of 2022, replacing Taqueria del Barrio (and Domku before that). Before the restaurant opened, we conducted a survey of readers to see what kind of restaurant people wanted. The number one cuisine was Indian, quickly followed by Italian. What everyone seemed to agree on was a family-friendly place to go. That’s what owner Ranu Rawat hoped he was opening. Instead, he walked away from the restaurant 8 months later.

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