Enjoy a spooky Halloween theatrical show — Spirits: A Hat Trick (& we're giving away tickets)
/After the success of last year’s show, local neighbor Maryanne Henderson is putting on another spooky Halloween-ish theater show here in Petworth on Rock Creek Church Road!
This year the theme is “Spirits: A Hat Trick” and their spooky variety show takes place Saturday, November 4th from 7-9pm (in Maryanne’s cozy backyard in Petworth). Last year’s show was really cool (and sold out!) so if you want a fun live theatrical experience, definitely check this out. Tickets are only $15, or…
…You can enter for a chance to win 2 free tickets to the show! (see entry form below)
(photo: Rachel Schrock Photography)
Tickets are $15 and get you in the door and includes a free drink. This year they are sponsored by Looking Glass Lounge and are receiving support through the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.
The theme, “a hat trick,” is a nod to this being their third annual show. (A hat trick is when one player scores three goals in one game. Very rare but super awesome when it happens.) They’re hoping for a “hat trick” so to speak!
(photo: Rachel Schrock Photography)
Artist line-up this year is spooktacular!
(photo: Rachel Schrock Photography)
Hard Raki- band of three musicians!
Bethany Stokes with Bad Medicine Comedy
Dana Nunez
Jacquelin Youm
Gabriel Rodriguez
Nick Newlin
Rachael Small
Kaeli Patches
Meredith Garagiola
Samantha Yvette
Hana Clarice
Joe Crea
Vincent Brown
Joey Wilson