Yoga District opens new studio in Petworth
/The inside of the Yoga District Petworth studio.
Here’s a bright spot amid all the recent neighborhood closings: Yoga District has opened its newest location in Petworth, across the street from Safeway at 3905 Georgia Avenue. This is the popular yoga chain’s 7th location; Yoga District had previously operated on 11th street in north Columbia Heights but recently closed that location when its lease ended.
Yoga District founder Jasmine Chehrazi says she has had her eye on Petworth for years, and finally saw an opening when a friend of hers purchased the 3905 Georgia Avenue building. The friend offered her rental space, and she accepted.
“To me, Petworth is a huge, important and diverse neighborhood in DC that's been working hard for years to honor the community and not give in to over-development,” Chehrazi said. “Sometimes I don't recognize DC anymore, but I still feel like DC is DC when I'm in Petworth.”
Yoga District Petworth already has several class offerings a day, with reservations via its website. The studio is offering a 2-week new student special for $11.50.
Chehrazi says that in addition to its regular flow offerings, the Petworth location will offer alignment-focused classes, as well as classes that combine yoga with meditation, core work and pilates. She will also offer beginner classes as well as more challenging inversion-focused classes.
The recent closing of Lighthouse Yoga — following the ill-fated sale of the building Lighthouse had been renting in — definitely created a void in Petworth’s yoga scene. Don’t worry though, Lighthouse is preparing for a big move to a beautiful, larger space a few blocks north in the coming months — stay tuned for more.
Chehrazi says she’s excited to be a resource to the Petworth community, and strives to make her studio accessible and inclusive.
Yoga District founder Jasmine Chehrazi
“As a minority owned and operated organization, it's important that our classes bring people from different backgrounds together,” she says. “So I hope everyone in the Petworth neighborhood understands this: Yoga District is here for you. The more places Petworth residents can feel connected, safe and healthy, the better.”