Women in charge: Notes from ANC 4C's January meeting
/ANC 4C's commissioners
by Wanda Lucas
Note from Drew: The Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C held its first meeting of 2018 on January 10th, with several good topics on the agenda. Each year ANCs vote (amongst themselves) for officers; sometimes they switch, sometimes they don't. This year, it's great to see that ANC 4C now has two women in leadership positions, with Bennett Hilley elected by the ANC to be the new Chair (replacing Zach Teutsch) and Charlotte Nugent elected as Vice Chair. This is the first term in the ANC for both commissioners. Below are the notes of the meeting, courtesy of new contributing writer Wanda Lucas.
Treasurer’s report
- December 31, 2017 balances: $9,706.44 checking account, $6,777.41 savings account
- ANC Security Fund Motion – approved (this is required every year)
MPD Captain Brian Bray speaks at the meeting.
Metropolitan Police Department
- Reported a reduction in violent crimes are down about 22%, however property crime has only been reduced a little.
- Stated that they try to move manpower, including foot patrols, around but it is hard to anticipate problems. (Foot patrols had been halted recently because of weather).
- Reports that the Crime Suppression Team (4D) has been out making arrests associated with gun violence, robberies and package thefts.
Residents spoke about some of their concerns:
- Recent shootings and hearing gunshots
- Wanting to hear their strategy to address problems
- Cars running red light at Georgia & Upshur Street (MPD says it is a DDOT issue)
- Annie Hardware robbery (still an open case)
- Community Crime Prevention Team Program (NEAR Act) – has it started?
- Statistics Collection (NEAR Act) – is this being done?
Mayor’s Office
- The mayor kicked off the new year with her annual 5K race with 800 participants
- She rode with passengers during the inaugural Route 59 (express) bus ride this week ,which provides 16 stops from Takoma Metro to downtown.
- On Monday the 16th, there will be a MLK holiday parade at Anacostia Park.
Petworth resident Steve Feingold and Josh Fleitman, Communication Director for Brandon Todd's office
Brandon Todd’s office
- Todd co-introduced legislation - DC Water Consumer Protection – granting the Office of the People’s Council the authority to advocate for DC residents as it relates to water utility.
- Todd introduced Rear Facing Car Safety Amendment Act of 2018 requiring children under two years of age be restrained in a rear facing care seat.
- Residents can come testify about Net Neutrality at 11:00 am on January 24th
Residents expressed concerns about:
- Following up with Metro regarding vibrations
- Gas station issue at corner of Upshur and Georgia – there is legislation that prohits the closing of full service gas stations in DC. (Developer pulled out)
Officer Elections (*new)
- Chair – Bennett Hilley*
- Vice Chair – Charlotte Nugent*
- Secretary/Parliamentarian – Jonah Goodman
- Treasurer – Ulysses Campbell
ANC 4C Chair Bennett Hilley
ANC 4C Vice Chair Charlotte Nugent
Roosevelt Senior High School:
- Four students and one teacher will be traveling to France (Roosevelt recently hosted French students in an exchange program, now it's Roosevelt students' opportunity to go to Europe)
- There are some volunteer opportunities at their Saturday Academy (tutors needed for English and Math)
- The issue of residents using the Aquatic Center at Roosevelt (or rather, not being able to use it) is due to an access issue (there is no way to enter from the outside). So don't count on that being an option.
- The Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results (NEAR) Act was approved in 2016 and only received full funding in 2018. (see the full version of the legislation)
- The Office of Neighborhood Engagement is led by Mr. Del McFadden.
- Community Crime Prevention Team has not started yet
- Data and transparency is important with this act.
The Mayor’s office reported that social workers (associated with this act) have been placed at hospitals. Information will be sent to all commissioners.
The ANC approved the Resolution in Support of Full Implementation of the NEAR Act.