Twisted Horn gets a new name to go along with new menu, prices
/Twisted Horn, the cocktail bar at 819 Upshur Street, is changing it's name today to Hank's Cocktail Bar as part of a refresh of the concept. The bar is updating its identity to be closer in concept to the rest of the family of restaurants owned by Jamie Leeds, including Hank's Pasta Bar and Hank's Oyster Bar.
"We are a neighborhood restaurant," said Shane Mayson, marketing director for the Hank's restaurants, "And we found the Twisted Horn concept didn't match as closely with that idea. We want to use this opportunity to reintroduce ourselves to the neighborhood."
Along with a new sign going up on Monday, some of the interior decor in the restaurant will change. The horns and animal heads will be taken down, while the lower prices and new menu items they brought out two weeks ago will stay. The awesome mural by local artist Nekisha Durrett on the back patio will also stay.
"The Sunday Petworth Parents Happy Hour has been very successful," Shane said. "We want to continue offering that type of neighborhood feel."
The Sunday Petworth Parents Happy Hour started on November 13th with all-day happy hour pricing on drinks and food, and the added bonus of kids younger than 12 eating free from 12-4pm (with an adult meal, natch).
“We’re excited to share this name change with you all,” owner Jamie Leeds said in a press release sent out on the change. “We would always refer to The Twisted Horn as our cocktail bar, so why not call it that. As JL Restaurant Group expands and as we celebrate the one-year anniversary of The Twisted Horn in January 2017, we wanted to bring the cocktail bar under the Hank’s brand.”
You'll see the new signs on Monday, November 28th. Full press release is here.
You can find them online at or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @HanksCocktailBar.
New logo for Hank's Cocktail Bar
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