It's a 200th edition giveway worth more than $300 - and you could win!

It's a 200th edition giveway worth more than $300 - and you could win!

As of Memorial Day weekend next month, Petworth News will be four years old, is just about to hit 4,000 Facebook Likes and the 200th newsletter is about to go out. That’s 200 hundred emails, 200 weekend nights spent writing it, and more than 2,100 people reading it. Every Sunday. Amazing.

As a way of saying THANKS! for supporting the site and subscribing to our free email, we’re partnering with local businesses to do a huge giveaway of 12 gift certificates worth well over $300!

What?! I know!

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A $100 giveaway to celebrate 100 newsletters

A $100 giveaway to celebrate 100 newsletters

On Sunday, May 14th, Petworth News will send out its 100th weekly update newsletter, marking two years of weekly emails with the best and most important articles published that week. To celebrate, we're giving a way a $100 gift certificate to Himitsu to one lucky reader!

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