Trees cut down at Petworth Playground upset some in the community, DPR says it's part of the renovation plan

Trees cut down at Petworth Playground upset some in the community, DPR says it's part of the renovation plan

A number of community members expressed frustration and unhappiness on Monday as they watched a construction vendor cut down some trees at the Petworth Playground at 8th and Taylor Streets NW.

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How to recycle your Christmas tree with DPW

How to recycle your Christmas tree with DPW

Did you have a real tree this Christmas? Don’t throw it out!

The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) has sent out info on where to put your Christmas tree so that it can be picked up for composting. Don’t bag the tree, put in along the curb box (not in the street or on the sidewalk).

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Op-Ed: If a tree falls in Petworth and nobody hears it

Op-Ed: If a tree falls in Petworth and nobody hears it

(Ed note: Local resident Tom Burnett writes the following op-ed, with the hope to share thoughts about an old tree that he loved  and what it means to be a good neighbor.

Every day on my way to work I pass a beautiful, enormous black walnut tree in a back alley of Petworth. It stands watch over our rowhouses like a gentle giant, residing here since before our neighborhood was built over a century ago. Its trunk is so stout that it would take two people to wrap their arms around it.

To my horror, on my way home this week, I observed a work crew hauling away its decapitated branches, leaving nothing but a twelve foot tall stump in the ground.

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