Take a survey about the relationship between religious orientation and death anxiety
/(photo: Don)
A local Petworth neighbor, Jacqueline, is working on her clinical social work Masters degree, and is asking for neighbors to take a quick anonymous survey / questionnaire to help her get data for a paper.
"Our project will examine the relationship between religious orientation and death anxiety in adults," Jacqueline told me. "The research findings will not be used for publication. Still, we hope the results will help to guide interventions for clients who identify religion as an important part of their lives."
"My research partner and I recognize how important religion is to many clients, and by understanding how religion affects all aspects of the life cycle, we can be more sensitive to a client’s worldview and take this into account as we support them to find peace and meaning in their lives. Religion is a vital part of a person’s culture and if as a social worker we want to function in accordance with the values, ethics, and standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, we must be culturally competent, which requires cultural humility, and the commitment to understanding and embracing culture as central to effective practice.
"I will be very grateful if you will complete the questionnaire as soon as possible. It will take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete including a cover sheet in which you give us consent to analyze the information we get from your answers. All data will be anonymous and will only be used for the narrow purpose of this school project.
"Thank you for your help. My research partner and I will learn a lot from this project but can't do it without your assistance. Thank you for your help."
(Your Petworth Neighbor)
3/14: Edited to remove deadline date.