Public comment period extended for Sherman Circle changes
/Proposed single-lane design for Sherman Circle.
Both Grant and Sherman Circles have been studied by the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) for changes to increase pedestrian and driver safety. The changes to Grant Circle have already started and the comment period for Grant is over. Sherman Circle is still open for comments.
DDOT announced they will be extending the public comment period for the Sherman Circle changes as outlined in their Notice of Intent for an additional two weeks to Friday, November 10th to allow the community more opportunity to provide feedback.
More on Sherman Circle changes, from July Petworth News overview article.
DDOT created a high-level overview of the proposed changes to both Circles on their website, which includes links to some of their recent presentations.
You can send comments about the Sherman Circle Notice of Intent to Ted Van Houten, DDOT's Transportation Planner, via email or phone (202) 671-4580.