Sherman Circle traffic changes start on Monday
/Some of the new signage going around Sherman Circle (from DDOT PDF).
The Sherman Circle transportation safety improvements are scheduled to begin on Monday, May 14th, with a goal of being complete by the end of the month, according to DC Department of Transportation (DDOT).
DDOT will install a bike lane along with other safety improvements around the Circle, such as new pedestrian safety signs and plastic bollards at the entrances to protect the bike lanes, while retaining the two travel lanes for cars. The plans will follow what DDOT announced at the April community meeting. View or download a PDF of all the changes.
According to Ted Van Houten, a Transportation Planner with DDOT, they will be removing a total of three parking spaces adjacent to existing bus stops around the Circle, "To bring the bus stop zones up to compliance," he said. The bus stops themselves are not being moved; however, DDOT will remove one parking space at the bus stop on the west side of the Circle, and two parking spaces at the bus stop on the east side. These will be permanent reductions.
DDOT is also removing the stop signs that are currently around some entrances into the Circle, placing Yield signs at every entrance.
"Drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians are advised to stay alert while traveling through these locations and to be observant of DDOT's personnel," Mr. Van Houten said.