Sherman Circle traffic changes coming in May, upcoming events in the Circle
/Satellite view of Sherman Circle (Apple Maps)
The Department of Transportation has announced their decision on changes to Sherman Circle. The original plan called for one lane of the Circle to be closed; however, they have decided to keep the two lane design with some minor modifications.
DDOT plans on installing new painted lines, signs and flexposts around the Circle, much as they did to Grant Circle. The plan calls for all the work to be completed by the end of May 2018. A bike lane will be installed in Sherman by later in the summer.
According to an email from DDOT Transportation Planner, Ted Van Houten, DDOT's original analysis "revealed that a lane reduction would cause no significant impacts to queuing and delays, and supported the feasibility of reducing Sherman Circle to one lane."
After a temporary lane closure test in September 2017, DDOT listened to feedback from 40+ residents to determine that two lanes would in fact remain. DDOT studied the results of the similar changes to Grant Circle, and found that drivers yield for pedestrians 50% of the time, compared to 21% before the new painted lines and flexposts.
"During the lane closure test [at Sherman in the fall], DDOT's data analysis revealed minor increases to delays and queuing [traffic backups] from some approaches," writes Van Houten. "DDOT received a variety of comments, with residents split between supporting and opposing the closure of a travel lane at Sherman Circle. DDOT will be moving forward on a revised two-lane design for Sherman Circle, which is similar to what was installed at Grant Circle."
Revised two-lane design will include a variety of treatments:
- Narrowing of streets as they enter the circle
- Adding bicycle lane with buffer (flexposts added where parking not present)
- Converting approaches to yield
- Reducing turning radiuses to slow turns
- Shortening crosswalks into the circle
- Installing ladder striping in crosswalks around the circle roadway
Will require reduction in parking on the circle:
- Bus stops are currently too small and out of compliance
- Reduction of one parking space at southbound stop
- Reduction of two parking spaces at northbound stop
You can see the presentation that Van Houten gave to the community on April 18th regarding the traffic safety changes.
Schematic of the changes (courtesy DDOT)
Other Sherman Circle Upcoming Events & Info
ANC 4D Commissioner Amy Hemingway sent out an email of upcoming events in Sherman Circle:
11am, Saturday, 4/28: Sherman Circle clean up - have some work gloves to share and lots of trash bags - but bring gloves if you have them! And BYO water, too.
4pm, Sunday, 4/29: Sherman Circle Social - we gather once a month to connect with friends and meet new neighbors. The Circle and its trees are gorgeous right now. Tell your friends and neighbors to join us!
Week of May 7th... Chronic Flooding Issues Meeting: DC Water and DDOT have committed to a site visit of Sherman Circle to investigate the chronic flooding issues around the Circle (especially catch basins) and potentially related flooding in residents' homes. DDOT also wants to share construction plans for the area.