Rhizome offers a unique take on a CSA: music, art and more

Rhizome DC at 6950 Maple Street NW in Takoma DC

by Cassandra Hetherington

I am happy to say that everything I once thought I knew about Rhizome DC was wrong.

No, as it turns out I would not be their oldest attendee and no, their newly launched CSA (Community Supported Art) would not be nine new paintings. Layne Garrett, Founding Member of Rhizome in Takoma DC and current Program Director, patiently explained all things Rhizome to me.

Layne Garrett in front of Rhizome in Takoma DC

But first, the word “rhizome” comes from Ancient Greece meaning “mass of roots” and is defined as “a continuously growing horizontal underground stem which puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.” Very fitting description, as Rhizome, almost hidden in Takoma, focuses on experimental arts and culture with the belief that they “will take root and spread.”

In 2003, Tennessee native Layne found himself “wandering” and visited his brother in his DC group house. It was here that Layne felt most at home and decided to settle. Today, he and his partner homeschool their nine year old daughter while also working at Rhizome. He has programmed a variety of experiences including music, visual art exhibitions, workshops, reading groups and educational opportunities. In an effort to support artists and expose people to new art, Rhizome partnered with Ajoke Williams at the Guilded Freelancers Cooperative. It was Ajoke’s idea to create a CSA, modeled after a successful Minneapolis program, something Layne had been thinking about himself. After an open call for artists, nine mostly local artists (two are from Baltimore) were selected from a pool of 40 candidates. Each talented individual brings a unique perspective or experience to the CSA.

Sound exhibit installed at Rhizome

Half of the winning creatives have worked with Rhizome before, while the rest are new to the art center. Several of the artists are sound-based, meaning that each CSA purchase will include an original work of sound art, perhaps in the form of a record or cassette, with digital being available.

Wooden wall installation

One artist is creating 50 unique pieces of sound art for each of the available CSAs. Playwrights, poets, photographers and visual artists are also participating in the CSA and their work will take the form of scripts, handmade paper, photographs, window art and poetry.

Perhaps the most intriguing work of art is a movement score which will be a work of sound art accompanied with instructions for a nature excursion. Every participating artist is listed on the Rhizome website so one can get a feel for their style.  

The CSA is limited to 50 shares, and purchasers will collect their art at three separate monthly pickup events at Rhizome, beginning in August. Each CSA is sold on a sliding scale ranging from $200 - $500. People can purchase the CSAs while supplies last or until the last pick scheduled for November 6th. Any CSAs purchased after the pickups begin will be able to receive the previously released art.

At a time when each day of the past year felt very similar to the day before, the mystery and excitement of receiving each of these gifts of art is almost revolutionary, and I don’t think I’m wrong about that.

To learn more about the participating artists, check out the Rhizome website.

Rhizome DC
6950 Maple Street NW Washington DC 20012

CSA pickups at Rhizome DC: August 7th, September 18th and November 6th


Cassandra Hetherington

Cassandra Hetherington grew up in New Orleans and has lived in the District for twenty years. She has over twenty-five years’ of experience working and volunteering for non-profit organizations. Currently she is Co-Vice President of Fundraising for the Alice Deal Community Association where her son is a student. She actively volunteers with Uptown Main Street in their support of small local businesses and lives in Manor Park. Cassandra is an amateur photographer and her favorite book is "All the King’s Men" by Robert Penn Warren.

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