Quincy meditation park close to completion, early 2018 opening
/DPR's plan for the park.
Whether you're feeling Zen or perturbed about it, the Department of Parks and Recreation is finishing work on the new "meditation park" being built at the triangular lot between Kansas, Quincy and 13th Streets. What was once an open green space will now be a place to sit and contemplate.
According to an update from DPR's project manager Peter Nohrden, they are close to completion. Before they can determine an official date for the park to open, they need to get DCRA and DOEE approvals for soil erosion concerns (they'll take down the fencing once those approvals are in).
The new grass on the lot should be installed by the end of this week, and a new drinking fountain will be installed by the end of the weekend.
Look for new benches and planting beds to go in sometime next week after the Christmas holiday.
Mr. Nohrden says a ribbon cutting for the new meditation park should be sometime in late winter or early spring, with the park becoming accessible to residents in early January.