Qualia turns 10 on May 1st, celebrates with a raffle, discounts and fun swag
/(photo: Qualia Coffee)
Qualia Coffee at 3917 Georgia Avenue NW opened on May 1st 2009. Now 10 years later, the boutique coffee shop has become a strong favorite for local residents.
Qualia is celebrating its anniversary with all day discounts on coffee and a raffle for gift cards and other fun swag.
“Thanks to you for supporting us over this past decade. It has been a long and interesting journey that we hope to continue into the future,” said owner Joel Finkelstein in an email to customers.
Their raffle is open all day, with one winner receiving $50 worth of Qualia gift cards and five winners getting $10 gift cards — all winners will also receive some extra swag.
Plus, you can pick up their bags of our fresh roasted coffee beans for 10% off the posted price all day.
They’re posting some throwback photos on their Instagram account — stop by to take a few memories of your own and grab some amazing coffee!
Happy 10, Qualia!