Powell Elementary opens online auction with wide array of amazing items
/Powell’s parents’ group is offering so many amazing items for auction to support the school.
By Elissa Fuchs
Want to have Diane Rehm at your book club? How about suite-level tickets to see the Wizards and Capitals? With Powell Elementary’s third annual online auction, you can bid on amazing items while supporting a wonderful Title 1 bilingual elementary school in the heart of Petworth.
The auction is the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year that directly benefits student needs and field trips, and you definitely want to be in on the auction. The tireless auction committee has secured over 400 items for bidders. From everyday trinkets to special luxuries, the auction has your needs and wants covered.
Here are some hot items up for grabs to the highest bidder:
Suite-level Wizards and Capitals tickets
Powell’s most famous alumna, Diane Rehm.
Gift certificates to some of Petworth’s top restaurants, including Timber, Hank’s Oyster Bar, Petworth Citizen, and Little Coco’s, and a private tasting and tour of the Capitol Cider House.
Care for the little ones you love with Kids Camps and Pet Care.
There’s also travel experiences, health and fitness classes, tickets to shows and many more items!
The auction runs Monday, November 5th through Thursday, November 15th, so check the auction site regularly to stay on top of your bids. You can get some fantastic experiences and products for really low prices.
And remember, the proceeds of the auction go to support the school’s educational field trips throughout the year, classroom technologies and other enrichment activities. The auction is being run by the Powell Padres parents group, Powell's official PTA.