Petworth Playground renovations to finally start on May 11th
/Image DPR
After three years, the Departments of Parks (DPR) and Recreation and General Services (DGS) are set to begin construction on the Petworth Playground at 8th and Taylor Streets.
The money for the renovations was passed in 2017, with multiple community meetings, various designs and delays. The community pushed back on DPR on the proposed playground surface this year, asking for sustainable material. After members of the DC Council got involved and a few op-eds on Petworth News, DPR agreed to use engineered wood fiber (EWF) instead of poured-in-place rubber.
DPR sent out an email notifying the community that construction will begin on Monday, May 11th. They say the delay in construction start was from the switch to EWF, but that seems a bit of a stretch of details. Nevertheless, it’s finally set to start. Email below, and a slew up updates below that.
Dear Petworth Community:
On behalf of the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the DC Department of General Services (DGS) I pleased to share with you that we will begin the renovation of the Petworth Park and Playground on Monday, May 11th.
The first thing you will notice is a perimeter construction fence being installed to ensure the safety of the community and the contractors. As you are aware, the project had a delayed start as we were updating our construction plans and permits to reflect the community’s request for the installation of Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) as the surfacing base for the playground.
With this delayed start, the park will now be completed towards the end of the summer.
Currently all recreation centers, playgrounds and courts are closed in the District due to the Health Emergency. For more information on the current health emergency please continue to check in on this website:
In closing, thank you for your support of the Petworth Park and Playground. For more information on this project and to find the final community presentation form the last meeting visit
Tommie L. Jones, Jr.
Chief of External Affairs