MPD on the Patio returns to Slim's Diner, meet your local PSA 407 officers
/(photo courtesy MPD)
Last month was the first "MPD on the Patio" with local officers from Police Service Area 407 -- and even though it stormed, it was a chance to chat with our police officers in a casual environment.
The monthly get-together returns this Saturday, June 16th, from 9am to 11am at Slim's Diner at the corner of 9th and Upshur Street NW. (Stop by on your way to the Petworth Farmers' Market!)
This is a great opportunity to meet with Lieutenant Anthony Washington, who supervises PSA 407 (and who unfortunately couldn't attend in May due a family emergency).
(photo courtesy MPD)
According to Lt Washington, there are no MPD organized informal socials in PSA 407. "In too many instances, an individual’s first contact with the police is negative and is usually attached to an enforcement of a law," Lt. Washington recently wrote. "The members of the Metropolitan Police Department, more specifically PSA 407, believe we should strive to meet and make contacts with our community in all instances, not just enforcement efforts."
These conversations are hoped to be the beginning of informal socials organized by the police department to create “first time” positive interactions between the police and the community they serve, as well as create an opportunity to have a second chance or "do over" to get it right where they might not have done so well the first time.
PSA 407 Lieutenant Anthony Washington
"We strongly believe that positive contacts create prosperous communities," said Washington.
Drop in to say hi, meet the local sergeants, patrol officers and lieutenant, share a concern or a kudo... and grab a pancake or two!
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