MPD announces new patrol "sectors" in each of their seven districts (updated)
/The Metropolitan Police Department is organized into seven Districts that divide DC in different sections, each led by a Commander. Each District is subdivided into Police Service Areas (PSA), led by a Captain and Lieutenants. As of January 3rd, MPD announced that they have created a new patrol structure to go along with the existing Districts and PSAs, called "Sectors." According to Fourth District Commander Wilfredo Manlapaz, the new structure "provides more options in terms of contact with management officials that oversee specific areas."
Each of the seven Districts will have three sectors, led by a captain and multiple lieutenants. The existing PSAs will fall inside the sectors -- there will not be a change to the PSAs or their lieutenants. For most readers in the Petworth area, we are under PSAs 403, 404, 406 and 407. The leadership of the new sectors and the PSAs is the same as previous.
MPD says that the new sector patrol model will not disrupt or alter their operations and activities, or services to the community. The change is described as an internal organizational change intended to better support operations, and to offer the Chief of Police another opportunity to develop managers and assess Sector Captains for command staff positions as eligibility for retirement in the command ranks continues to grow.
According to a press release sent out by MPD, each sector will be led by a captain responsible for their assigned areas 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and who will report directly to their respective district commanders. Lieutenants will share responsibility for overseeing the PSAs and personnel in their sector on any given shift. Officers and sergeants will continue to be assigned to their current PSAs.
In the Fourth District, the new sectors and their existing leadership is as follows:
Sector I: PSA 401, PSA 402 and PSA 406
- Captain Teresa Weedon
- Lieutenant Donald Ennis (401)
- Lieutenant Matthew Domas (402)
- Lieutenant Ozetta Posey (406)
Sector II: PSA 403, PSA 404 and PSA 405 (updated 10/10/17)
- Captain Juanita Mitchell
- Lieutenant Raul Figueras (403)
- Lieutenant Francis Martello (404)
- Lieutenant Ashely Rosenthal (405)
Sector III: PSA 407, PSA 408 and PSA 409 (updated 10/10/17)
- Captain Derek Larsen
- Lieutenant Todd Perkins (407)
- Lieutenant Jonathan Munk (408 & 409)
Below are some FAQs created by MPD.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) has been working to broaden its use of a sector model. MPD continues to work collaboratively with DC’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) and Office of Unified Communications (OUC) to incorporate sectors into operations.
New MPD Fourth District Sector Map (courtesy MPD)
What is a sector model?
Under a sector model, each patrol district is divided into three sectors with a sector being an informal grouping of Police Service Areas (PSAs). Each sector is led by a captain, who will report directly to his or her respective district commander. Sector captains will be responsible for their assigned areas 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that the sector model DOES NOT eliminate PSAs and officers and sergeants will continue to be assigned to their current PSAs under the sector model.
How does the sector model affect the Metropolitan Police Department?
This is an internal organizational change intended to better support patrol operations. It will also improve internal workflow and personnel management in each district. Additionally, as eligibility for retirement in the command ranks continues to grow, the sector model affords the Chief of Police another opportunity to develop managers and assess sector captains for command staff positions.
How does the sector model affect the community?
The sector model WILL NOT disrupt or alter MPD operations and activities, or services to the community in any way. It is an internal management shift, and the sergeants and officers whom you see on the street every day are not changing under this new model. Overall, this model aims to allow for faster dispatch, lower response times, and improved service to the community.
My PSA Lieutenant has always been my point of contact with MPD. Under the sector model, whom should I contact?
The sector model will provide additional MPD management points of contact for community members. In addition to the sector captain, there will also be lieutenants on every shift for the sector. Similarly to how you contacted your PSA Lieutenant, you can contact your sector captain or any of the lieutenants in your sector.
Do MPD members want to incorporate the sector model?
This has been an on-going effort led by MPD’s Chief of Police, Assistant Chief of the Patrol Services Bureau, and the district commanders. We also have agreement with the FOP on the sector model.
Are you eliminating the Police Service Areas (PSAs) under the sector model? Are sectors going to slowly take the place of PSAs?
The sector model DOES NOT eliminate the PSAs, and sectors are NOT replacing PSAs. This is an internal organizational change intended to better support patrol operations and the community.
Are PSA boundaries changing under the sector model? If yes, why?
The PSA boundaries within 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, and 7D remain the same. The Fifth and Sixth Districts will have a small modification to their PSA boundaries within their District. These changes do not affect every PSA in 5D and 6D, and will not have a negative impact on police service. In fact, these changes are in line with MPD’s patrol strategy and aim to provide geographic continuity. (Please see the maps in the Press Release for the exact boundary changes.)
What sector am I in?
Please find a complete list of the PSA-Sector alignments and accompanying maps in MPD’s Press Release, found online.