Metro train loses power near Petworth, DCFD has to rescue passengers
/What a circus tonight, thanks to WMATA. A metro train broke down south of the Georgia Avenue / Petworth station during rush hour. From what I hear, the train just lost power and stopped. They had lights for a while, then lost them.
"Lights totally out now with the exception of the fireman's flashlight."
DC Fire Department arrived, and after 30 minutes or so headed down to help rescue the passengers. By about 8pm they left the metro by the New Hampshire Ave station, no doubt tired and frustrated. There were three metro buses waiting to take passengers to Fort Totten. While I'm sure people wanted to go home, getting on a bus and then another metro after that probably wasn't high on their list of things to do after being stuck.
From reader David Tumblin:
Tunnel on way out of stuck metro. Honey picked up Rockland's BBQ to help. Fellow in our train had this great [music] play list for us: Emotional Rescue, Boots Made for Walking, Help, and Take the Long Way Home. Car behind us was uproarious with laughter. I think it was car 6, the last one. Hats off to kids and babies. Amazing.
Update from Marc Povell:
David was correct, train 6 was pretty light hearted and full of laughter. There were a couple people upset towards the end, but after being stuck for 2.5 hours it's understandable. Overall, I really can't complain about the people I was stuck with. People really helped one another out, letting one another borrow phones, and making jokes.
Finally off the train.
Big thanks to reader Marc Povell for sharing his pictures with me. He's a father of a 4-month old, and I'm sure is giving big hugs tonight.
Here's a quick gallery of pix. Marc Povell and David Tumblin took the pictures from inside the train and tunnel. Click to enlarge.