Jamiere still missing but has been seen in the area (Update: Found!)
/A poster of Jamiere taped to a sign at a park.
Update October 2nd: According to MPD, Jamiere has been located.
The parents of Jamiere Warner are still looking for their 12-year old son who’s been missing since Wednesday, September 27th.
You can help find Jamiere by looking out at area parks, stores and libraries, places he enjoys going and has been seen at recently. They ask you to call 911 if you see Jamiere.
Jamiere’s mother shared the following statement with Petworth News:
He has been seen 3 times, once at Safeway on Piney Branch, once at 19th and Benning near a school he used to attend, and once at Shepherd Park Library. All familiar spots for him. He is alive! And close!
The best thing people can do is look out for him. He changed his clothes to a maroon Chicago bulls shirt, jeans, gray hoodie, and black sneakers.
He likes to go to libraries on our bus routes for the wifi and librarians aren't allowed to identify visitors so those are good places to check frequently. If you see him, dial 911!