A message of acceptance and welcome: How to print your own "glad you're our neighbor" sign
/The original sign created by Immanuel Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, VA. They also created the new yard signs that are being printed across the country. More about it on NPR.
There's yard signs that promote real estate and some political candidates, and then there's the kind that share a simple message that now seems to be resonating with people all over the United States. A message of acceptance and welcome. A message that says "this house, these people, they believe in tolerance and they don't accept hate for the other."
If you want a sign, they're available on StandUpSigns.com.
They include free shipping, and 10% goes to Ayuda.
Stand Up Signs delivers across the continental United States,
shipping via USPS. Signs are $17 each and come with the wire yard stand.
Last week, Petworth resident Conrad Gross grabbed a high resolution PDF of a yard sign created by the Immanuel Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia and printed up yard signs for friends here in DC. I happened to see one of the signs, really appreciated the message and meaning, and being the blogger I am, posted a picture on Instagram. The attention and feedback from that photo was amazing, with people asking to get their own sign.
So Conrad and I decided to arrange to print and sell more signs. I hoped we'd sell maybe 30, be cool if we sold 50. After less than a week, we sold 350, and only stopped to get the signs printed in a timely manner. Any excess money we receive from the sales will be donated to Ayuda, a non-profit that works on behalf of immigration issues. (Special thanks to ERB Properties for their donation, and to Petworth Citizen for donating money per each meal sold on Saturday.)
We're planning on handing out the signs on Saturday, December 10th (details here), and we have about 35 extras we can sell tomorrow. But the requests for signs haven't stopped coming.
TV news channels came and filmed interviews. More emails came in, and we tried to make arrangements for DC residents to get signs.
Then NPR did a story.
And now people in North Carolina, California. Colorado, Arizona, New York, Nebraska, Texas and more are sending positive emails and requests for signs. What they're really sending me — and you — is a message of goodness, decency and caring.
If you want to buy a sign, visit Stand Up! Signs
free shipping, and 10% of the proceeds will go to Ayuda!
Thank you to everyone who sent an email. It means a lot to know that there are so many great people out there. And thank you to Conrad and the Immanuel Mennonite Church for promoting something amazing.