Quick update on the Hebrew Home renovation
/by Robinson Woodward-Burns
Developers presented the proposed design for the Spring Flats redesign of the Hebrew Home on Spring Road NW.
In a January 16th community meeting at the Petworth Library, developers representing a partnership between Victory Housing, Inc., Brinshore Development, Banc of America CDC, and their contractor, Hamel Builders, presented updates on the ongoing redevelopment and expansion of the old Hebrew Home into new senior living and residential facilities.
The building at 1125 Spring Road, constructed in 1925, first served as an elder care home for Washington’s Jewish community until 1969, when it was converted into a homeless shelter. The site closed and has since remained vacant since 2009.
Google map with proposed plan overlay of the Spring Flats redevelopment (photo: VictoryHousing.org)
The redeveloped site will include 187 units, including 88 units for senior housing, 29 workforce housing units, and ten townhomes split across five buildings. The new Spring Flats building, adjacent to the refinished Hebrew Home, will imitate the Home’s scale and brick facade for architectural consistency. The site will also include a green roof and a public and handicapped accessible pocket park facing Spring Road, west of the current Home.
Developers will also convert 10th Street to a public right of way meeting D.C. Department of Transportation standards, adding new trees, sidewalks, streetlamps, stormwater catches, and 13 parking spots on each side. The alley behind the Home will also be widened, and the site will include a nine-space parking lot and a larger 57-space garage.
Rendering of the proposed Spring Flats redevelopment (photo: VictoryHousing.org)
Through the meeting, developers addressed residents’ questions on construction noise and vibration and on the project’s timeline. Developers promised trucks will meet DC code for neighboring streets and expect building will be completed in three phases.
The first phase, taking three months, will include cleanup of the old Home and work along 10th Street. The second phase, including excavation and garage building, will require twelve months. The third will be a three month wrap up.
Adding a great bulleted summary from ANC 4C Commissioner Bennett Hilley:
Victory Housing and other members of the Development Team (Presenters)
Construction Management Company and Hamel Builders (Presenters)
30-40 Community members from ANC4C and ANC1A
Petworth Action Committee
Multiple members of the ANC's (4C and 1A)
Councilmember Todd's office: No one present
Councilmember Nadeau's office: No one present
DDOT: Sayra Molina, Ward 4 liason
Other District representation, including DMPED (Deputy Mayor's Office of Planning and Economic Development): Richard Corley
General Information:
Project Timeline:
Senior building is expected to open 15 months following the start of construction. (Estimated -early summer 2021) Please note that this date is when construction will be completed, not necessarily when housing can be occupied.
Family building is expected to open 19 months following the start of construction. (Estimated- early fall 2021)Please note that this date is when construction will be completed, not necessarily when housing can be occupied.
On-site pest control will begin prior to the project and continue throughout
Community members suggested that the team reach out to the District regarding new program for vermin that includes below-ground interventions. The construction team confirmed they would reach out.
Suggestion to look into Blue Collar Cats program as well through Humane Rescue Alliance.
Site Management:
Senior Building (former Hebrew Home) and Family (new construction building) buildings will each have their own project management team who will be there 2-3 days/week and own superintendent on site who will be there everyday
Construction is allowed on-site under District law from 7am-7pm Monday through Saturday. Generally work on-site will occur from 7am- 4/5pm unless they are running up against deadlines.
If you see something problematic on site or related to construction, call the telephone number posted on the sign or call or email Oscar Maccio at (202) 368-8755 and omaccio@hameldc.com
Workers will be instructed to carpool or take transit and after 12 months, they will be able to park on site in the newly constructed parking deck.
10th Street will be one way for majority of construction timeline with no on-street parking. It will fully reopen after 18 months. Please see additional details below.
During a certain period during Phase 3, the sidewalks on 10th Street closest to the Rec Center and entrance to Rec Center on 10th Street will be closed to all pedestrian traffic as well.
Construction management team will schedule large deliveries to not conflict with school schedule so to be less disruptive if at all possible.
Additional, related notes from the ANC's:
ANC 4C and 1A were told by the District that Raymond Elementary would allow tournament and special event parking in its parking lot based upon an agreement between DGS, DPR, and DCPS. However, the community has not seen this in writing despite multiple requests, so we are requesting this again from the District.
There will be a call with the District Department of Transportation this week to again request a traffic study/assessment for the impact of this development. Following this call, Commissioner Jen Bundy from ANC1A and I will be organizing a call with DDOT to provide residents with an update. Please send either of us your interest in participating, and we'll send you the invite. If this item is important to you, please also let your Councilmembers/Mayor/District Departments know that it is.
Subcontracting & Employment opportunities:
Local CBE (Certified Business Enterprise) firms are encouraged to contact Hamel for subcontracting opportunities. Additionally, once the subcontractors and suppliers for the project are identified, a job fair will be conducted within the first few months of construction for individual construction jobs opportunities.
Construction Timeline/Information:
Phase 1 (to start in March 2020, 2-3 months):
New Construction/Family Building:
Site will be fenced to include what is current parking area off of 10th Street and to include a portion of 10th Street.
All construction vehicles will enter site near 10th and Spring and exit at 10th and alley behind Quebec Place.
Former Robeson School will be razed; the razing of the building will occur slowly as building is taken apart and materials are organized to be taken off site.
During this phase, the PEPCO duct power bank under 10th Street will be relocated, which is why portion of street will be closed off.
Traffic will be one-way on 10th Street with a flag crew
Former Hebrew Home/Senior Building - hazardous materials inside the building will be abated (for asbestos and other hazardous materials) and sealed for construction during this time. Strict environmental procedures will be followed for these processes.
Phase 2 (12 months):
Former Hebrew Home/Senior Building:
Construction work inside the building will continue to include finishings and other internal work.
New Construction/Family Building:
Underground parking garage will be constructed.
Structural work for the new construction buildings will occur during this time.
A crane will be on site that is 70-75 feet tall for approximately 6-8 months; it will be located in the middle of the site.
The new construction buildings will be completed during this time.
Phase 3 (2 months):
Sidewalks on 10th Street near Rec Center will be closed to install new sidewalks, curb cuts, and stormwater management infrastructure so Raymond Recreation Center can only be accessed at the back entrance through the parking lot of Raymond Elementary School