Halloween is coming, join a (socially distant) parade!
/A prior Sherman Circle Halloween parade when being socially distant only meant you were really shy…
by Cesse Ip and Drew Schneider
We asked readers what their thoughts are about celebrating Halloween… do we go trick or treating? Do we give out candy? Is it ghosts and ghouls in the streets, but no one else?
Let’s do a (socially distant) Halloween costume parade!
Petworth News decided to make it a bit easier and give kids (and adults) a chance to dress up! We’re sponsoring a socially distant Halloween parade so we can dress up, be seen, take photos and grab some safe bags of candy for a couple of hours on Saturday, October 31st at 4pm at Sherman Circle. Come join us and dress up in a costume, or just show up with a (Covid-appropriate) mask and cheer on the young paraders! RSVP below…
It seems like just like everything coming out about COVID, there has also been conflicting advice about Halloween festivities. The city of Los Angeles banned trick or treating, then decided that it would only recommend against it. Professor Emily Oster, economist and author of Cribsheet and Expecting Better, wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post arguing that Halloween can remain safe for our children. As of publication, there has been no advice, issues, or recommendations issued by the DC Mayor’s office about Halloween. The CDC says to avoid trick or treating directly.
Petworth News asked readers to respond to a survey about their Halloween Plans. We received over 100 responses, and some great ideas about how to celebrate in this strange year! Here is what we learned about our neighbors’ plans:
More than half of us either plan on giving out candy this year, or are still undecided.
For those who plan on giving out candy, half plan on just leaving out a bowl of the good stuff.
For those of us with children, it was a mixed bag on what people’s plans were for trick or treating.
We also got some great ideas of how people can celebrate Halloween during COVID. Here are some the most common and creative ideas:
Trick or treat pods – especially if your kid is already in a “learning pod”. Only go to these families’ houses.
Pumpkin carving contests
Pre-arranged candy swap with your neighbors.
Socially distanced costume parade, masked, people spaced apart, etc.
Setting up a candy hunt (think Easter egg style) for the kids.
Set up a table at the end of the walk with available hand sanitizer and candy, while you participate from porch
Create a candy slide from my porch
Collect money that would have been spent on candy and donate to buy groceries/provide relief for families in need.
No matter how you celebrate this year, it certainly will be different than last year. Stay safe everyone!
RSVP for the Socially Distant Halloween Parade!
If you want to participate in the Socially Distant Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 31st at 4pm, please fill out the RSVP form below. Please note the rules and commit to participating safely for the benefit of all neighbors! We’ll have people on hand to help keep attendees spread out, but you should still be mindful of the risk and act accordingly.
RSVP on EventBrite! Tickets are limited! Every adult and child needs an RSVP so we can get a proper headcount.
Parents will be responsible for ensuring families stay 6 feet from other people (kids and families) and if they feel that will be a challenge for their little ones then perhaps don’t participate. All attendees commit to wearing a Covid-appropriate mask, ensuring all those with you wear a Covid-appropriate mask, and to keep a socially responsible distance of six feet from other people not in your family group, and understand that if not, you will be asked to leave the festivities. You accept the moderate risk of being socially distant in public and will not hold Petworth News or its representatives or sponsors responsible or liable for any illness or injury, and furthermore commit that you will not attend if you feel sick or show any symptoms of COVID-19. Just email us a photo of you in a costume and we'll publish it with the others. ;)