Own a business? Learn about Main Street Grants this Wednesday
/Image courtesy DC gov
DMPED's Great Streets program offers eligible DC small businesses up to $50K for exterior and interior improvements. The Request for Application (RFA) is now available online. Completed applications are due on October 24 at noon. All applications must be submitted via the online application system as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
Attend a FREE info session to learn more:
Wednesday, Sept. 25
District Bridges Office, 3400 11th Street NW, #200 (upstairs)
In English: 10-11:30am (register on Facebook)
In Spanish: 12-1pm (register on Facebook)
More info is available online:
General info on the grant
Map to confirm you are in an eligible area
Required documentation for your application
DMPED Grants Team Contact info: Email: dmpedgrants@dc.gov, Phone: 202.724.8111
Art-based nonprofits eligible again this year!
Businesses that hold a Tavern license issued by Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) with the ability to prove via tax returns that primary revenue is not alcohol sales are eligible to apply.
Businesses which have previously received an award, and which are expanding and/or relocating to another location are not eligible to apply.
Eligible businesses' average annual revenue over past 3 years or projected over next 3 years cannot exceed $1 million.
Eligible businesses must own the property or have the permission of the landlord with at least 2 years remaining on the lease.
Ineligible business types: Adult Entertainment, Auto Body Shops, Bank, Financial Services, Bar/Nightclub as defined by an ABRA license, Construction (general contracting, architecture, design-build), e-commerce business, Home-based, Hotel, Liquor Store, Phone Store, Professional Services (accountant, actuary, architect, dentists, engineer, evaluator, financial planner, physician, registered nurse, training/development provider), and Real Estate (development, property management, realtor).