An unscientific survey about the Grant Circle one-lane test

New traffic barrels up at Grant Circle for one-week test.

by Rachel Maisler

You probably noticed the traffic barrels around Grant Circle this week and the new traffic pattern. The bright orange barrels aren't a new landscaping trend, rather part of a one-week test being run by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to see how cutting the circle down to one lane affects surrounding traffic, and whether that change enhances pedestrian safety. 

Do you love the lane closure? Hate it? Have a better idea? We want to know. 

Petworth News is conducting an unscientific poll about the experiment through Monday, May 29th. 

We'll share the results here later next week and will make sure that DDOT sees your comments. The survey is anonymous, but you can give permission to use your name or not for the follow-up article. Up to you. 

Survey is now closed. You can see comments below the related articles...


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Rachel Maisler

Rachel joined Petworth News first as the editor for the Community Calendar, and then against her better judgement, agreed to become a contributing writer to the blog in August 2016.

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