Get to know the ANC commissioners up for election in 2022
/ Drew
Every two years, the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) all around DC hold elections for new commissioners. Every ten years the boundaries of the Single Member Districts (SMDs) that make up each ANC get redrawn along with the city’s Wards due to the US Census. This is that year… and the local ANCs have all changed.
The commissioner you have now, if that person is running again, may change to someone else as you may now be in a different SMD. Or, more likely, there’s a new person running for the job. Fun stuff.
Map of Petworth area ANCs and SMDs.
But what do commissioners, you know, do?
Firstly, they are volunteers who spend a ton of time (if they’re good) connecting with their local communities and acting as helpers and advice-givers. Mainly they’re the liaison between residents and the city government. Quality of life issues like trash collection, rat abatement, liquor licenses for businesses, zoning issues for residents and developers, giving grants for arts, and more. It’s definitely not a glorious job, it’s unpaid (though they do get a cool parking pass) and they can do a lot to help people, or do a lot to get in the way of people. Some people run for ANC because they have dreams of becoming a DC Councilmember or Mayor (this was Muriel Bowser’s path to the mayor’s office). Some just want to feel important. Some just want to contribute to their community.
How to Vote
US Mail: All voters registered in the District will receive mail-in ballots in October. If you choose to vote by mail, you must mail your ballot via U.S. mail, postmarked no later than November 8th.
Drop Off: You can drop off your ballot in one of the many Board of Elections drop boxes located around the city from Friday, October 14th until 8pm on Tuesday, November 8th, or return your completed ballot at any vote center during early voting or on Election Day: Ballot Drop Boxes
In-Person: You may vote in-person on November 8th or between October 31st and November 6th at any one of the city’s early voting centers: Vote Centers
Learn more about the ANC Candidates…
Petworth News sent out a questionnaire back in August, and a good number of candidates responded. Some didn’t. If you don’t see your ANC 4C, 4D or 4E candidate here, they chose not to respond. (Note that ANC 4C01 has no official candidate, so it will be write-in only.)
Here are some of the brave people running for ANC Commissioner all around the Petworth area:
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C is conducting a special election to fill the open seat of 4C07. If you live in the Single Member District of 4C07, you can vote on June 14th at the Petworth Library (4200 Kansas Avenue NW) starting at 3:30pm, with voting ending at 7:30pm. Here’s info on the candidates.
Petworth News sent out a questionnaire back in August, and a good number of candidates responded. If you don’t see your SMD represented here, those candidates chose not to respond.
Here are some of the brave people running for ANC Commissioner in 4C, 4D and 4E all around the Petworth area.
Paul Johnson is a current ANC commissioner in 4C07 and is running for election in the newly redrawn 4C05.