Join Eleanor Holmes Norton to discuss the future of MLK, Jr Library
/(Courtesy Wikipedia)
Modernization of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library offers the opportunity to transform library services for D.C. residents. If Dr. King were alive today, what would be his hopes and aspirations for this project? What unique role do public libraries have in carrying out his legacy? Join your friends and neighbors for a conversation about how best to honor the legacy of Dr. King in the modernized library.
Join the conversation about the future of the MLK Library:
Wednesday, November 4th @ 6:30 p.m.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (901 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001)
· Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
· Michael Schaffer, editor, Washingtonian Magazine
· arla Hayden, CEO, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore
· Howard Dodson, author and historian
· Charneice Fox Richardson, creative director, Straight No Chaser Productions
· Kerrie Cotten Williams, manager, Special Collections, DC Public Library
This event is cosponsored by the Federation of Friends of DC Public Library and the Friends of MLK Jr. Library.
h/t Carol Herwig