Fire on Iowa Ave destroys empty home, forces neighbors out of their damaged home

Photo courtesy @dcfireems

There was a two alarm fire around 5am this morning on the 4300 block of Iowa Avenue NW that completely destroyed the home, and caught the adjacent home ablaze as well.

According to DC Fire EMS, the fire department was able to put out the fully engulfed empty structure within 15 minutes, and they do not believe anyone was inside at the time.

The neighbors had their home damaged and now need a place to stay (the Red Cross should be helping them into a hotel temporarily, based on prior similar incidents).

Images courtesy @dcfireems

Really sad to hear, glad no one seems badly injured (a fire fighter did receive minor injuries fighting the blaze), and kudos to DC FD for quickly putting it out. Here's a video of DC FD putting out the fire (courtesy DC Fire EMS):

And here's a video of the DC Fire EMS rescue dog looking for anyone in the burned out home (they didn't find anyone, though they couldn't go inside due to the weakness of the remaining structure). (courtesy DC Fire EMS)

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Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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