Get to know Marlena Edwards, candidate for Ward 4 Council
/Petworth News interviewed the three Democratic candidates for Ward 4 Council, and is presenting their answers to a questionnaire here and a follow-up separate interview. All content below is supplied by the candidate. Each section was limited to a 200 word response. Reminder that Petworth News does not endorse in any election.
(photo courtesy Marlena Edwards)
Candidate Name: Marlena D. Edwards
Where do you live? Shepherd Park
How long have you lived in Ward 4? I am a lifelong resident of Ward 4
What is your current profession? I am the founder and CEO of Metropolitan Alliance, Inc. which provides consultation on health care, social/economic development and legislative policy.
Twitter: @MarlenaDEdwards
Provide your campaign platform: Why are you running, what do you stand for?
Marlena D. Edwards has devoted over 23 years of service to the residents of the District of Columbia; helping hundreds of families navigate the public social service system. Marlena has served as a member of numerous boards and committees that promote coalition building for National and District agency professionals and has met regularly with Mayors, members of the City Council and Executive-level Directors on issues related to community health, social/economic development and legislative policy and being a member of City Council will give her the ability to continue advocating for and providing resolutions for District of Columbia residents. Therefore, I am the best qualified candidate for Ward 4 City Council and the best candidate to serve all residents in the District of Columbia.
What are your Legislative Priorities as a Councilmember? What do you want to achieve that makes you a better candidate?
My top three campaign priorities address Education, Health Care and Socio-Economic/Smart Development. I plan to improve responsiveness across all District of Government agencies, improve education, healthcare and create opportunities to participate in our regional economy that are inclusive of residents of the District of Columbia.
Share your position on Education issues in Ward 4. How can we ensure local schools, from elementary to high school, get the funding and support they need to encourage local residents to send their children to local schools?
I will propose legislation which ensures that the fiscal budget in the Comprehensive Staffing model reflects necessary staffing requirements in all Ward 4 Schools for Teachers and auxiliary personnel such as Social Workers, School Nurses, School Psychologist, Speech Pathologists, Teachers’ Aides, etc. as well as the necessary funding for academic learning/technology tools so that all of our school children will receive equitable resources required for a quality education.
(photo courtesy Marlena Edwards)
Share your position on Transportation issues in Ward 4. How can we ensure non-automobile options are expanded, such as bike lanes, safer pedestrian crossings, etc?
Unique urban planning is required to develop and maintain the character of our Ward 4 communities while strategically making travel safe throughout Ward 4. The Petworth neighborhood, Kennedy Street, 3rd Street, Georgia Avenue, Takoma DC, Blair Road and upper 14th Street Corridor require immediate infrastructure improvements for roadways, sidewalks and a study on the appropriate expansion of bicycle lanes in order to create safe and interconnected non-automobile transportation options that also provide improved access to buses and metro stations.
Share your position on Public Safety in Ward 4, focusing on what you will do to prevent gun violence, resolve nuisance properties, prevent drug dealing and ensure the civil rights of Ward residents. Additionally, do you support bringing back VICE squads to DC and Ward 4 in specific?
Crime in Ward 4 will decrease by facilitating regular meetings between our Ward 4 Police Commanders, ANC Commissioners, residents, business owners and stakeholders in order to discuss tracking and trends related to specific types of crimes and their locations. This granular strategy will decrease violent and nuisance criminal activity throughout Ward 4.
A matrix will be developed on the type of strategy’s required to preemptively target criminal activity through increased community policing that utilizes foot patrols, satellite sub-stations, the use of segues and bicycles. The “Officer Friendly Program” will be re-instituted so that officers will meet with children in our local Ward 4 schools in order to promote trust between children and Police Officers. This Public Safety and community engagement strategy allows Police Officers, adults and children to effectively communicate with each other, thus lowering the propensity to commit crimes through effective cross-communication that fosters all to work collaboratively in order to keep each other and our neighborhoods safe.
Share your position on Affordable Housing in Ward 4. What will you do to help long-time residents remain in their homes, what will you do to help new affordable construction?
I have been on the Board of Directors of Emory Beacon of Light located in Ward 4 which just completed the brand new construction of 90 affordable housing units. The income requirement for apartment rental is that each tenant must make below $60,000 per year to qualify for an apartment unit. Emory Beacon of Light has provided Ward 4 with a viable benchmark model that must be replicated and integrated into redevelopment plans at the former Walter Reed Army base which will provide the opportunity to create more affordable and workforce housing.
Share your position on Seniors Issues / Aging in Place in Ward 4.
Ward 4 has many Senior Citizens and this number will grow due to the aging of our large population of baby boomers. It is critical that the DC Department of Aging, Health, Human Services, the DC Department of Health Care Finance our state Medicaid Agency, the Centers For Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) which oversees Medicare, Durable Equipment companies which supply wheel chairs, canes, walkers, stair lifts, etc. and wrap-around service providers work together collaboratively and not in silos so that our Ward 4 Seniors may age in place.
(photo courtesy Marlena Edwards)
What will you do to ensure bilingual communications in the Ward?
I desire to hire a Staffer in my Ward 4 City Council office who is fluent in Spanish, so that we may adequately address the needs of our many Latino constituents. I have worked in positions that required me to communicate to District of Columbia residents in other major languages such as Chinese, Amharic and etc.
I will ensure that my counsel staff understands how to utilize translation and interpretation services through the District's Language Access Program which is offered through the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights (OHR) in order to effectively communicate with and meet the needs of our constituents that require bilingual communications.
What are the top three problems that you see with the current state of DC government?
My campaign platform encompassed improving the quality of education and public health care in our city. Economic development is also critical and the redevelopment of Walter Reed Army Base has been too slow. This mixed residential/retail project has the opportunity to provide up to 400 jobs which would address poverty, unemployment and underemployment issues. All Ward 4 residents deserve the opportunity to have an equitable education, the provision of quality public health and the opportunity to participate in a thriving local economy.
With the COVID-19 crisis severely impacting small businesses in the Ward, what are your recommendations for support / stimulus packages, and what is your implementation plan?
As a Ward 4 Council Member, I would collaboratively host a monthly “Zoom” town hall with the DC Chamber of Commerce, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, the Department of Small all Local Business Development for all Ward businesses, non-profit organizations and community stake holders in Ward 4.
The purpose of this monthly tele-town hall would be to inform all Ward 4 businesses and non-profit organizations and stakeholder's on the following information:
How to apply for the $25,000,000 in micro-loan stimulus funding offered through the District of Columbia Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Development.
Provide updates on the second round status of funding $484 billion dollars in COVID-19 disaster relief funding through the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Link Ward 4 Businesses and Organizations with Department of Local and Small Business Administration for assistance on completing District micro-loan stimulus and federal SBA applications and for ongoing resources and assistance throughout our city’s economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Provide updates on the DC Council’s COVID-19 Response Supplemental Emergency Act of 2020 and legislative amendments to provide small business relief to small businesses through small business loans and provisions for the deferral of Commercial and business loans. This legislation also creates a freeze on commercial tenant rent increases and new opportunities for nightclubs to earn revenue through the allowance of in-person carryout and delivery food sales
(photo courtesy Marlena Edwards)
Additional Thoughts:
Other Professional and Civic Affiliations Have Include:
DC DEMS WOMEN’S CLUB, Vice President
NASW, METRO CHAPTER, Board of Directors
United Planning Organization, Board of Directors
SEIU 1199 – Delegate
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees- Local 22 and 224
DC Democratic state committee
I am appreciative of the continual support of our community! Vote for Marlena D. Edwards, Ward 4 City Council 2020.
Twitter: @MarlenaDEdwards