General FYI: Now you can get a jury summons by email and text
/(image courtesy DC Courts)
by Cesse Ip
DC Superior Courts just introduced a new jury summons notification called “eSummons.”
According to their press release, the court will send text and email messages to prospective jurors to remind them of upcoming jury service dates, confirm requests to reschedule/postpone jury duty, exchange information, and alert jurors when they do not need to report for jury duty the next day.
The Courts will use the email addresses and phone numbers that DC residents have provided to reach out and notify. But don’t worry, potential jurors will still receive a paper summons to their home address, and jurors will be given the choice to opt out of electronic summons.
Many proceedings are happening remotely at DC Superior Court, but they are preparing for a resumption of normal operations next year. (As a reminder, no one should enter the courthouse with symptoms of COVID-19, and all must wear a cloth face covering or mask per a court order.)