DDOT looking to put a traffic light at 8th, Quincy, New Hampshire Ave intersection
/The intersection at Quincy, 8th Street and New Hampshire Avenue is very wide, has multiple lanes connecting to it, and can be terrifying to cross as a pedestrian. Heck, even the WMATA bus drives into that intersection very carefully.
DC’s Department of Transportation (DDOT) has released a Notice of Intent (NOI #24‐218‐TESD) to add a traffic signal at that intersection. Additionally, they are planning on changing the 3700 block of 8th Street to southbound only off of the intersection.
The NOI states that the modifications to the intersection are a result of analysis performed by DDOT at the request of the community to improve safety at the intersection of 8th Street, New Hampshire Avenue and Quincy Street NW.
Concept of Proposed Modifications at New Hampshire Avenue, Quincy Street, and 8th Street NW, including southbound one‐waying of the 3700 block of 8th Street NW (image courtesy of DDOT NOI).
DDOT is recommending that the 3700 block of 8th Street NW be changed to one-way southbound to reduce the complexity of the proposed traffic signal operation and simplify the overall traffic flows within the intersection.
They will also be installing curb extensions as part of these changes (“where feasible”).
DDOT is accepting comments in writing or via email by Monday, September 23, 2024. The NOI asks residents to go to https://ddot.dc.gov/service/notice-intent to submit feedback, but there is no link to do so on that page. So you can email comments to Rahul Jain, DDOT’s Senior Project Manager.
You can send comments via postal mail to:
District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Traffic Engineering and Safety Division at 250 M Street, SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
NOI #24‐218‐TESD (PDF)