DDOT wants to talk about the intersection of Spring, 13th and Kansas Ave (update: date changed)
/DDOT is proposing changes to lanes, lights and traffic direction at this convoluted intersection.
Update: Date changed to Monday, November 19th at 4pm.
The DC Department of Transportation is conducting a site visit at the intersection of 13th Street, Kansas Avenue and Spring Road. They’re proposing some changes to traffic patterns, turning lanes and signage at this wonky intersection.
DDOT will be onsite at the intersection on Monday, November 19th at 4:00pm. They will be discussing the improvements listed in their Notice of Intent NOI and to hear community concerns.
Residents can also submit comments via email to Ted Van Houten or in writing to DDOT’s Project Delivery Administration at 55 M Street SE, Washington, DC 20003. The last day to provide comments is Wednesday, November 21.
Description of some changes to the Spring, Kansas and 13th intersection (credit: DDOT)