DC Music Rocks - your best DC radio station for finding local music
/Brian Nelson-Palmer, who runs DC Music Rocks on WERA 96.7 FM (photo: BNP)
The local DC music scene is frantically alive with new sounds and bands, and Petworth is no exception to that. We have some amazing bands in our little part of the District (many of which will be performing at Petworthpalooza in October-ish, planning is underway). Meanwhile, there is a great new resource for those who love the local music scene and want to be introduced to new bands and sounds.
The FM radio show and podcast DC Music Rocks launched in July to share great tunes by bands from the DC area. The show plays music from popular genres and strives to share the songs with a good beat and a melody that you're looking to hear. I dig this station.
The show is hosted by Brian Nelson-Palmer, who is also the drummer for another great DC rock & roll band, Fellowcraft, which I can personally attest to as putting on an energetic, talented show. As a DC musician on the radio, Brian shares his passion for music and the songs he’s discovered from around the DC music scene. Brian also conducts interviews with local musicians and industry folks. He recently had Lisa Said, Maryjo Mattea and Christian Hunt of Capital City Showcase on the show for interviews and to share some of their favorite music by DC musicians.
"Keep in mind that even little things, whether it's Liking a band's Facebook page, joining their email list, visiting their website, and commenting on a video means the world to these musicians," Brian said. "With DC Music Rocks, I'm excited to introduce and connect you with these local bands!"
Find out more about the show and listen to the latest and past episodes by visiting the DC Music Rocks website, Facebook page, the FM radio show and the podcast, DC Music Rocks makes it easy to find, connect with and be a fan of great DC music. If you listen to the show and hear something you like, you’ll be able to check out more from that artist, listen to their music and find a live show to attend on the DCMR website. Nice added bonus, the website features a “Find-Browse Music” page that enables you to browse artists by genre, with new artists added each week.
The show airs on WERA 96.7FM on Tuesdays at 5pm and can be streamed live from the station’s website. Brian often streams artist interviews on Facebook Live.
You can find the show on podcast on their website, subscribe via iTunes or via Google Play, Pocket Casts, or any podcast service or app you prefer by using their podcast RSS link.
No matter the format, you'll find new local bands you'll totally dig.