Take a survey for Catholic University nursing students!
/(photo courtesy CUA Conway School of Nursing)
Two nursing students from Catholic University reached out to Petworth News asking us to answer a few questions about Petworth for classwork in their community health class … Well, we’d rather our readers take the survey and share your thoughts with the students.
Nancy Kotnik and Marygrace Hankowski are third-year nursing students at the Catholic University of America in Brookland. They are taking a class in Community Health, and as part of their course requirements they are conducting a “windshield survey” of a neighborhood in DC — in this case, Petworth.
A windshield survey is a survey conducted by healthcare workers that aims to assess general community needs and to examine specific facets of the community’s physical, social or economic character.
The students will use your anonymous responses to create a presentation of findings on Petworth’s primary health concerns and specific aspects of the community such as culture, education and businesses for their classwork.
“Our assigned neighborhood for the project is Petworth and we could not be more excited!” said Nancy. “We have conducted research online and have visited parts of the community, but we want to get to know the people of Petworth. We believe that directly hearing from those living in the community is the best way to gather information about the community itself. You are the people who are directly impacted by its strengths and weaknesses. So, we would love to hear what you have to say about Petworth!”