An interview with 5-year old about Lincoln’s Cottage Homecoming (and goats!) — plus, get free tix now!
/by Rebecca Kilborne
Senior Marketing & Communications Manager
President Lincoln’s Cottage
On September 21, 2024, President Lincoln’s Cottage is welcoming our neighbors and visitors to enjoy the grounds as Abraham Lincoln’s family did with a full day of petty zoo, music, crafts and other family fun. Our Homecoming is free for all to enjoy!
In preparation for Homecoming, I sat down with rising kindergarten student Maeve Walpole (and her mom) to discuss her hopes, memories and joys as the day draws near.
Maeve enjoying horse riding at Homecoming.
Rebecca Kilborne, President Lincoln’s Cottage: Hi Maeve! It’s so nice to chat with you. The first question is a very important one. How old are you?
Maeve Walpole: 5-years old!
As you know, President Lincoln’s Cottage is having a Homecoming family day on September 21. What are you most excited about the day?
Maeve: Hearing [the band] Rocknoceros, and seeing my friends.
I heard you were a big Rocknocerous fan! Glad the rumors are true. What is your favorite Rocknocerous song?
Maeve: I like the song Big Wheel!
Mom’s commentary: Maeve loves riding the Big Wheel at her grandparents’ house in Kentucky! She also loves to dance at Rocknoceros concerts.
What do you remember about last year’s Cottage Homecoming?
Maeve: I remember the horsey rides!
Mom’s commentary: Maeve’s first experience at President Lincoln’s Cottage was at Homecoming in 2022. She also loved making her first Lincoln hat, and participating in the awesome preservation crafts that the Cottage’s preservation department organized.
Tad Lincoln, the son of President and Mrs. Lincoln, had a pony that he loved. He also had lots of other pets at the Cottage including two goats. To honor Tad and his love for animals, there’s going to be a petting zoo at Homecoming. What’s your favorite farm animal?
Maeve: Goats!
See! You have so much in common with the Lincolns! Thanks so much for talking to me!
Maeve: You’re welcome! See you at Homecoming!
➡️ 🎟️ Pick up your free tickets ahead of time! Get tickets now on EventBrite!
President Lincoln’s Cottage Homecoming will take place on September 21, 2024 from 10am – 3pm (140 Rock Creek Church Road, NW).