Want to write for Petworth News? We're looking for new writers!
/Be a local journalist!
If you're reading this, then you know that local news is important. With the Washington City Paper looking for a buyer and the sudden shutdown of DCist, blogs that publish both lightweight neighborhood info and write hyperlocal journalism are even more critical for keeping the community informed. That's the niche that Petworth News focuses on, and if you're interested in contributing to your community, then come talk to us. We're looking for new writers!
We're holding a meet & greet at Homestead (3911 Georgia Ave NW) on Sunday, November 12th at 7:30pm. Email Drew if you want to become a contributor!
From ANC meetings to the neighborhood Socials, Upshur Street hot spots to Kennedy Street festivities and growth, Petworth News has more and more become a go-to source for our community. Stories like helping to get Momma's Law passed, fixing the kids' pools at DPR aquatic centers, helping people learn about ANC and DC Council candidates, all have an impact on our community and our city at large.
More than 30,000 people read the blog each month, including members of the DC Council, MPD, DC agencies and other city leaders, so your exposure and potential influence as a Petworth News writer on issues important to neighbors can have a real-world impact.
You don't have to live in Petworth, in fact, we'd love new voices from Park View, Brightwood, Crestwood, Shepherd Park, north Columbia Heights, Brookland and so on. You just need to think local about your community!
These are some of the people who bring you Petworth News.
Drew, Phillip, Zina, Yuliya, Elissa, Lois and Rachel. Add your name here...
Whether you want to write once a week or twice a month, want to write about social issues, economics, restaurants, crime, highlight people doing great things in our community or other cool and interesting ideas, send us an email and lets chat. We have some great contributors already (see above and the full list on our About page) and would love to add more unique voices to tell the story of our neighborhoods.
Requirements: Be able to write (or take photographs) and be someone who wants to be involved in the neighborhood. Be willing to interview people, go to DC meetings and local restaurants, talk to city agencies and officials, and be able to write articles in a casual, friendly tone. You have to be relatively neutral to politics (Petworth News prefers to be objective), have a sense of humor (some snark is ok) and open to chase after a story, whether it's a feel-good story, hard interview or a funny moment. This is not a paid position, but you'll get lots of good feelings for helping readers be informed and engaged, and helping your community feel like a neighborhood. You might even get re-published in the Washington Post!
Have questions? Interested in learning more? Meet us! Join founder and editor Drew Schneider and some of our contributors for an informal writers meeting Sunday, November 12th at 7:30pm on the third floor deck at The Homestead (3911 Georgia Ave NW). Please email us to let us know you're interested!