Chez Billy closes for good tonight
/photo: Patrick Onofre
Just learned that Chez Billy (3815 Georgia Avenue NW) is closing permanently tonight, no prior notice, and no reason given out publicly yet. I heard that employees found out only tonight.
(See the Aug 1 update: Update on Chez Billy closing: a refresh)
Not sure why, but it was a great restaurant in Petworth, with a long history. (Here's a post from Ghosts of DC about the location.) According to the Chez Billy website, "Chez Billy was named for the historically significant space it now inhabits. Billy Simpson’s House of Seafood and Steaks, which operated between 1956 and 1978, provided Washington’s African American community with an upscale venue for dining and socializing in the period between segregation and Home Rule. As soon as it opened, the restaurant became a popular meeting place for black intellectuals, professionals, politicians, and entertainers, as well as for African diplomats."
Their sister restaurant in Georgetown, Chez Billy Sud, will remain open.
Update: Definitely closed. More info: Update on Chez Billy closing: a refresh.)