Celebrate Petworth Festival call for vendors & volunteer committee — Sign up now!
/(photo courtesy Celebrate Petworth)
by Ereftu Patel
The always popular Celebrate Petworth Festival is coming up on its 10th year! This early-Fall street festival brings kids’ performers, music, food,and artisanal crafts from local businesses and artists. Celebrate Petworth is set for Saturday, September 14th from 11am - 5pm on the 800 block of Upshur Street NW.
If you want to register as a vendor, it’s time! Whether you have a Petworth-area business or create awesome crafts at home, this is a great way to reach a large DC audience.
Sign Up as a Vendor
The Festival is looking for a diverse mix of high-quality vendors and limits the number of vendors in any given category to achieve this goal. Past participation in the festival will be noted but does not guarantee acceptance, as preference is given to those based in the Petworth area. Organizers encourage all artisans with entirely self-made work to apply as well. You must be a DC-based business, organization or agency to apply. Businesses located outside of DC (such as Maryland or Virginia) may only have a booth if they become a paid sponsor. (You should become a sponsor!)
For more information and to fill out the application, visit Apply To Be A Vendor. Although space is limited, there is no deadline yet as they are accepting applicants on a rolling basis.
Volunteer & Help Lead the Festival
The main organizer, Petworth Main Street, is creating this year’s Festival planning committee and is looking for volunteers to join. Apply to become a part of the committee and learn more: Volunteer.
The planning committee meets virtually monthly and works on various tasks ranging from fundraising to event promotion, social media and vendor management.
Wanna volunteer but not interested in being on the committee?
There are also roles that are short-term opportunities for to lend a hand. Every contribution gives you the chance to join your friends and neighbors to help make Celebrate Petworth happen.
If you have any questions, email the Festival.