Holiday card drive for veterans - an easy way to say thank you
/Some of last year's cards (photo: Sarah Gabriel)
Its that time of year again! We are collecting handmade holiday cards for the residents of the Old Soldiers Home / Armed Forces Retirement home here in Petworth. If you know an adult, office, child, daycare, or school that would be interested in making holiday cards to bring some joy to these individuals who have spent years or a lifetime in service to all of us, please spread the word and help us hand out a card to every retired soldier we can this holiday season.
Last year we handed out over 600 very appreciated holiday cards from all over the country. The cards are delivered along with some hugs, singing and lots of holiday cheer.
How to help
Sarah Gabriel will be happy to pick up the cards you make or you may mail / drop them at my home (contact Sarah for more information). The deadline for this small but meaningful way to help experience the joy of giving back in our own backyard is Friday, December 9th.
In the event the number of cards exceeds the number of residents, all of the remaining art will be shipped to operation gratitude for placement in care packages of persons serving overseas. Please help spread the word and lets make this years card drive a success!
Contact Sarah Gabriel for more information!
Thanks so much!
Dropping of cards at the AFRH (photo: Mary Bucci)