CANCELED ANC 4C seeks feedback on proposed Cannabis Cultivation Center
/Generic photo of an indoor marijuana cultivation center (Unsplash)
UPDATE 8/15: The meeting has been cancelled as the company has pulled out of the option to lease the space.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C is holding a special meeting on August 16th to discuss “City Grown,” the upcoming indoor marijuana cultivation business off of Upshur Street.
This location is behind 821 Upshur St NW, down the alley next to the gravel parking lot. (Art of Noize is in the top floor.) The location has more than 6,500 square feet of space, and previously was used as a hydroponics outlet for growing weed indoors. (To be clear, this is not the space occupied by Petworth Social Bar & Grill.)
This bare warehouse space has been empty for a few years, and now the renter (Mr. Woodland) is looking to open a “Cannabis Cultivation Center” called City Grown in the lower part of the building. According to the ABCA notice, the business will not be open to the public.
The proposed location is BEHIND Petworth Social Bar & Grill off of the alley next to the gravel lot (see red outline in image).
From the ABCA notice:
“The proposed facility with approximately 6,508 square feet of space will cultivate medical cannabis, including fresh or dried cannabis flower and other cannabis plant material. A cultivation center is permitted to cultivate and possess medical cannabis for the purpose of distribution to a manufacturer, retailer, or internet retailer, and may manufacture, possess, purchase, and distribute paraphernalia. A cultivation center is not permitted to be open to the public.”
To facilitate community discussion, ANC 4C will hold a virtual meeting on August 16th at 6pm via Zoom. You must register for the Zoom meeting to attend.
The ANC is also seeking responses via an online feedback survey.
More Info from the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration:
Placard Posting Date: July 28, 2023
Protest Petition Deadline: September 11, 2023
Roll Call Hearing Date: October 2, 2023
Protest Hearing Date: November 15, 2023
License No.: ABRA-125479
Licensee: City Grown LLC
Trade Name: City Grown
Registration/License Type: Medical Cannabis Cultivation Center
Address: 821 Upshur Street, N.W.
Nature of the Operation: The medical cannabis cultivation center applicant is requesting to locate its operations at 821 Upshur Street, N.W. The proposed facility with approximately 6,508 square feet of space will cultivate medical cannabis, including fresh or dried cannabis flower and other cannabis plant material. A cultivation center is permitted to cultivate and possess medical cannabis for the purpose of distribution to a manufacturer, retailer, or internet retailer, and may manufacture, possess, purchase, and distribute paraphernalia. A cultivation center is not permitted to be open to the public.
Proposed Hours of Operation:
Sunday 10am – 6pm
Monday through Friday 9am – 7pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Information on the requirements for filing a protest can be found below. Given the time sensitive nature of this process, this is being shared for informational purposes only. It does not indicate my position or the position of any other ANC 4C Commissioners. A quorum of ANC Commissioners (4+) must vote on whether or not to protest this application. A vote may be taken at the end of this meeting if there is a quorum of ANC Commissioners present.
From the ABCA Website:
Follow these steps to file a protest petition:
File a protest letter prior to the petition deadline stated on the Notice of Public Hearing (placard notice). Our deadline is September 11, 2023.
Provide information in the letter about the establishment you are protesting, including the trade name and address.
Include at least one appropriateness standard (outlined in § 25-313 starting at bottom of page 68):
The effect of the establishment on real property values;
The effect of the establishment on peace, order, and quiet, including the noise and litter provisions set forth in §§ 25-725 and 25-726;
The effect of the establishment upon residential parking needs and vehicular and pedestrian safety; and
In the case of a license renewal, the provisions of this subsection and § 25-315 (page 46).
Designate a representative in the letter who will represent the group in all hearings once the group is granted standing.
Include printed names, addresses, signatures and emails (if available) for all protestants.
A catered site could be protested by filing a letter with ABCA within 30 days of the last event at a catered site. The protest letter must include at least one of the appropriateness standards listed above and provide information about the event space.
Protest petitions may be submitted by email, mail or in person to ABCA's office:
2000 14th Street, NW, 4th Floor, Suite 400 South, Washington, DC 20009
Failure to follow any of the petition procedures may result in the dismissal of the protest.