Bun Bun gets a TV interview
/The Videnieks family getting interviewed by WUSA 9 reporter Evan Koslof
The story of Bun Bun became a TV news story this week, after WUSA 9 reporter Evan Koslof met with the Videnieks family and little Lindsey to talk about how she lost and then found her stuffed rabbit, Bun Bun.
Evan said he found the story on the Washington DC subreddit on Reddit.com, and the sweet story caught his attention. "Honestly, one of my favorite stories I've ever worked on," Evan wrote on his Facebook page. "Here is the tale of 'Bun Bun,' the beloved stuffed animal, who found it's way home, with the help of a tight-knit community."
Related: The story of Bun Bun getting lost and found (Oct 26, 2016)
Here's Evan's TV segment: